PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If you got £100 every time you said “banana” and £10 every time you said “orange” you would say banana all the time.

This is social media and increasing regular media.

That’s all it is. You won’t change it so try not to keep saying “OMG look what they have said now” that’s what they want. Look at the length of this thread for your answer.

Footy is very tribal and rival fans are desperate to see us found guilty. There are more rival fans than City fans. The media write what is popular not what is true. You must know this by now, why get triggered? All it does is feed them.

Do you think, even if we had never been charged, that rival fans would not bait us? We are the number one target because we win everything. It’s off the scale because we are accused of cheating. If Forest were the best team England had ever seen, they would be baited. It comes with the territory.

This is the World we live in and it’s shit.

It’s all bananas. It’s not meant to be fair any more.

Enjoy the verdict.
Banana banana
I am convinced that the malicious motive of a small group of clubs to damage City has driven everything. Masters has just taken the line of least resistance and carried out the instructions of that clique. The Comms narrative against City has been weaponised since day 1. The end game for these club directors is not to win the case but to damage City’s reputation. The evidence is irrelevant to them.
Their media attack is intensifying presumably to magnify the public opinion trial and verdict running alongside the Panel Appeal.

Let's hope the Panel members ignore this public outrage and stick firmly to their task.
We and our owners are used to media bias and attack in fact it helps us to focus better so I'm hoping the Panel will do the same rather than be the tools of a kangaroo court clamoring for our lynching.
Has anyone seen the Stephen howson video that he did yesterday about if we get off with these charges??
Just for asking or even suggesting you should receive a thread ban
Why on earth would any bluemooner have any interest in what that bitter fat rag wanker has to say!
If you were made redundant in what you believe was a wholly unfair decision, would you do that company a favour 12 years later by defending them in court?
Well he would be clearing his own name to? As I see it and I may be wrong it's a hearing against us but if we are found guilty I'd imagine other people would have a lot to answer for and that include mancini.
Agree that I can't see the PL landing any of the main charges (with the possible exception of Toure which I don't know much about but is small anyway).

On the reason for pursuing the allegations, do you think there is any merit in my view that, at the end, they had no choice? They had investigated for four years and City were presumably withholding key external evidence, so they had a choice: drop the investigation which would set a terrible precedent, or refer the allegations knowing that the external evidence will disprove them when it is provided which would be a terrible result for the cost involved.

There are questions around the investigation and why and when it was carried out, but for the decision to eventually refer the allegations I am not sure they had a choice.

I have said before I think the club know exactly what they are doing, and have the PL exactly where they want them on this whole thing. Clever stuff.

Or maybe it's all bollocks. Interested in your view, though.
This all came to light in 2018, when Der Spiegel published their series of articles. UEFA opened its investigation, as did the PL. In February 2020, UEFA banned us from European competitions for 2 seasons, which was overturned at CAS a few months later.

Yet it took a further 3 years for the PL to formally issue charges and hand the case over to the Independent Commission. We've always been of the opinion that this is a 'politically motivated' investigation, instigated by our US-owned rivals. With UEFA, there was always the impression that they were piggy-in-the-middle, who really didn't want the situation they were in. Hence why Ceferin offered us a seemingly reasonable deal, which we refused.

You can perhaps see parallels here, with Masters stuck between a rock and a hard place (although he should know that lying down with dogs will give you fleas). Wiser heads would probably have looked at the CAS verdict and accepted it, but they barrelled on regardless. Why?

Maybe it suits us and them. Us, because it's another chance to kill this stuff publicly, without backroom deals. For the PL maybe it's a way for them to show they've pursued this as far as they can but ultimately it's the decision of the IC when we're (hopefully) exonerated, so honour satisfied.

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