PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

No he's not, unless he's knows something we don't

why would any time barred evidence City have been presented at CAS, it hasn't and that's what the Premier League want to see. IMO, obviously

I was more thinking that CAS proceedings are private and confidential. I can't imagine they just hand filed evidence out to other people. The only thing people see is the award.
If there is no right of appeal and the PL rules state that they can impose unlimited fines, what is stopping them fining City 1 trillion pounone million dollars.jpg
I don’t see this huge play from Abu Dhabi (this take it or leave it offer) I generally think they take everything on their own merit.

That said, you could imagine if they felt it was needed a conversation could be had, that this issue is unfounded and a cause of embarrassment to ABU, that they would find it agreeable for a compromise to be meet that allowed both parties to move on if the serious accusations where dropped.

Que a large fine and nothing else to see.

City are more than an investment to them and I think they are emotionally connected to the club. Not only that it is one of the most outward facing investments.
Anyone else feeling a bit burnt out?
A little bit mate, I won’t lie.

But then I remember the burning hatred I have for all things Red, that caused of all this shit and I feel fired up and ready to go.

It’s very sad however as I’ve had a major falling out with my lifelong friend of nearly 50 years about this. He’s a red.
During the uefa case he kept his thoughts to hisself, largely because he suspected - correctly - that we would be cleared but he’s gone all in this time and said some things that belie his true thought process about “dirty Arabs” and such like.
I’m not sure our friendship will survive to be honest. Which I admit is equally pathetic on my part too as it’s only a game but, for me, it is the rank unfairness and hypocrisy of the whole charade that grinds my gears. And friends of 50 years rubbing my nose in it whilst gloating in my face will be hard to forgive easily.

But remember, when this is over and we are vindicated, the payback will truly be a sight to see. It’ll make the cas verdict look like a kids tea party in comparison.
And make no mistake mate, we will be vindicated.

One more thing… for a good while now I have considered myself to have a bigger hatred of Liverpool fc but this last few days have caused me to reevaluate that.

We’ve seen ten years of pent up jealousy, hatred, and fear come bubbling up to the surface with the real red cunts and I for one, can not and will not forget the things I’ve had said to me this week.

Superbia in Proelio
It Was presented. It wasn't taken into consideration because it wasn't needed to, the other evidence was sufficient. The PL, according to numerous lawyers writing on it including the young guy on youtube in his bedroom, jave the same time barred element to 6 years, Unless, they have reason to believe they need to make an exception. Which they must have had, if charges go back to 2009.
OK but, so let's say the time barred evidence was presented, why would CAS even bother looking at it, its irrelevant, a waste of time

Can anyone say for certain that the time barred evidence City has is available in the CAS files?

And has anyone seen this evidence at the Premier League, surely they would have not taken 4 years to bring this forward if they knew City's evidence was bogus

if I was the Premier League I would like to see it and if I was City I would like to produce it
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Can you point me to one? Genuinely interested.

I will try, but with so much of this gone on, might take a bit of time to dig up what I remember reading. It has stuck with me though, because I felt partly disappointed that it wasn't a 'full' vindication and left that stick to get beat with, which the media have and still do use.
It was, according to the club. It was said on more than one occasion.
I get that, but presenting it and someone actually looking at it and then documenting it are totally different things
I'm guessing here but I would have thought that the evidence was produced by City and CAS said no need it's time barred, let's move on
It Was presented. It wasn't taken into consideration because it wasn't needed to, the other evidence was sufficient. The PL, according to numerous lawyers writing on it including the young guy on youtube in his bedroom, have the same time barred element to 6 years. Unless, they have reason to believe they need to make an exception. Which they must have had, if charges go back to 2009.
Oh, is that what we are talking about? I thought we were talking about the PL having CAS's files ...... Sorry.

Are we sure the Etisalat evidence was actually presented, or was it just explained in the club's submission?

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