PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

For the PL, I'd say it shows there will be a lot of City witnesses the PL will want to cross examine - the senior juniors will need to work on cross examination plans aimed at extracting the answers the PL wants to undermine the credibility of witnesses ie make them look unreliable. In terms of KCs, it is likely because there are so many different areas of law - regulatory, civil fraud, accounting issues etc. For example Philip Marshall KC for City is a civil fraud specialist.
I hope Mr Marshall gets as much compensation as he possibly can from the Premier League. And some.
Kaveh Solhekol. Who famously said the rags were getting an £80M player for £40M in Donny Van Der Beek.

The same player who they sold for £500K to Girona this summer

Tbf anybody who takes any notice of this **** deserves every bit of frustration that ultimately follows.

The twat is a knownowt who pretends to understand and trots out shit as instructed by his paymasters.
For the PL, I'd say it shows there will be a lot of City witnesses the PL will want to cross examine - the senior juniors will need to work on cross examination plans aimed at extracting the answers the PL wants to undermine the credibility of witnesses ie make them look unreliable. In terms of KCs, it is likely because there are so many different areas of law - regulatory, civil fraud, accounting issues etc. For example Philip Marshall KC for City is a civil fraud specialist.
Sorry to labour the point though, but surely there aren’t any answers that can be extracted that suits the Prem as bar some bollocks emails that have been spliced together, there isn’t anything we’ve actually done wrong?
From April:

„Alberto Galassi, Member of the Board at Man City and CEO of Ferretti Group on the 115 charges:

"I am not entitled to discuss this, but perhaps you can tell from my body language I am super confident"
Alberto Galassi is also an attorney specialising in arbritration. So assume his knowledge of this is better than Masters, Delaney, Neville Sisters and any other dim wit commenting on it.
I think I’d prefer for us to be found guilty of all charges. But when they punish us we only get a paltry £1m fine.
Sorry, no sale.

Fuck "found guilty".

Regardless of the sentence/ punishment guilt is fucking guilt.

The red fuckers of course want to see the entire library thrown at us... but at the end of the day they want us GUILTY.

EXONERATION with a quick turn to exacting retribution is the only acceptable course that this goes for any supporter of this club.
Sorry to labour the point though, but surely there aren’t any answers that can be extracted that suits the Prem as bar some bollocks emails that have been spliced together, there isn’t anything we’ve actually done wrong?

Well that is exactly what the hearing, with its thousands (or possibly millions) of documents, is there to decide.

The emails are not bollocks, though. They clearly provide a basis for investigation (indeed CAS said as much). However, proving that (a) the emails mean what the PL/City's accusers say they mean, and even if they do, that (b) the arrangements were actually implemented, is another matter entirely. Not least because if proven, you are looking at a multi party conspiracy across many years.

That was always going to be near impossible to prove at CAS, with only a few emails in evidence in a two/three day hearing. In this hearing however, over two or three months, with millions of documents and ample chance to cross examine witnesses, it will be entirely possible IF the evidence supports the charges.

In short, we on the outside simply don't know if City have done something wrong, or (if there is some doubt about that) which way the evidence points.

The club seem confident. That is good. I wouldn't be too dismissive of what the emails say, though. They are concerning.

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