PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

credibility of the PL in the gutter, you could just tell Masters was a down and out fucking liar on that interview a few weeks back, they will be scurrying around like rats now searching for the better option for the next move, they would be better pulling the plug on the 115 its only going to get worse for them
City want to win in court and clear our name.
The board should call Masters & ask what advice was provided before going ahead with the 115? It would not surprise me to find out that they were advised to drop it.
Now that we know the PL ignored some of the legal advice on the APT case this is a great question. I wonder what decision-making process led to the contrived 115/130 charges strategy. Essentially just five allegations repeated multiple times over a long period. Who signed off the decision to brief the media on this false narrative even before City were informed? This was really just naked corruption. Judges are not usually stupid people. They will see this for what it is. The APT case has confirmed that the PL has acted in bad faith. The 115 panel will see the bigger picture.

If true - City write to all Premier League clubs complaining about PL statement and threatening further legal action - Wowser, the gloves are really off now!

If true - City write to all Premier League clubs complaining about PL statement and threatening further legal action - Wowser, the gloves are really off now!
It must have been a terrible ruling if the parties have diametrically opposing views. We have gone public AT LAST ! and said the APT rules are unlawful, the PL say they just need amending. Absolutely pathetic that a ruling should have been published with so much left in doubt. Or have the PL now gone completely bat shit crazy and ignoring the ruling because they lost!. The next stop me thinks will be City taking out an injunction on the PL to stop the sham APT update process. Off to the High Court we go. Surely to Christ the Minister for Sport needs to help Mr Masters with his next career move.

Edit: The 'winning' party would normally be awarded legal costs, maybe not 100% but a clear percentage, did the ruling state who was liable ?
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If true - City write to all Premier League clubs complaining about PL statement and threatening further legal action - Wowser, the gloves are really off now!
From what I understand it is correct, it's going to get messy, I hope we can and sue the arses off them along with Newcastle united, i can't honestly say I've never been so confident of winning the 115 than I am today, if you give the PL enough rope they will hang themselves and they have just done that, there a shambles it's took them 12 days to generate a statement which smooths over this defeat but yet you can see right through it
It must have been a terrible ruling if the parties have diametrically opposing views. We have gone public AT LAST ! and said the APT rules are Unlawful, the PL say they just need amending. Absolutely pathetic that a ruling should have been published with so much left in doubt. Or have the PL now gone completely bat shit crazy and ignoring the ruling !. The next stop me thinks will be City taking out an injunction on the PL to stop the sham APT update by the PL. Off to the High Court we go. Surely to Christ the Minister for Sport needs to help Mr Masters with his next career move.
The PL are frantically trying to spin the ruling, City threw a lot of challenges in the ring re APT. They lost on some points but won the substantive points that the APT rules are anti-competitive and unlawful as phrased and also that they were unlawful by excluding interest-free shareholder loans from consideration for FMV.
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Were the PL trying to keep all this under wraps so it didn't have any bearing on the 115 charges. Now it's out, obviously this changes everything. Only asking.
Pl kept it under wraps for 12 days while they generated a statement that dresses it up to suit them, no bearing on the 115 other than there credibility is in the sewer, I think a massive statement made by city winning this to defend the 115, wouldn't surprise me at all if the PL pull the plug on the hearing
Roan, Delaney, Harris (Magic Twat), Goldbridge, Panja and the rest of the morons must be getting worried now.

You wouldn't have much confidence in the PL winning a case after City and Leicester's recent wins over them

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