platini ends city's spending but will it kill the rags...

Somebody raised an interesting point yesterday on another thread that got me thinking. If someone came in and bailed out Liverpool's debt (of what, £400 million?) then surely that would have to go against these rules as they are not paying their debts out of the money they earn but getting a £400 million bail-out from a rich owner(s). Therefore it should not be allowed to happen. Is there any truth to this or would UEFA find a way around it to help protect one of its own clubs?
So Barcelona having to borrow money to pay wages
Inter Milan having over 500 million loses over last 3 years

Will he ban these clubs also from Champions league... Will he fuck

Anyhow i trust our owners know what thier doing and have it under control
Crappily run clubs that can't manage their finances prudently should be barred from entry to all competitions. Being in Massive Debt (tm) is a sure sign that a club is incapable of managing its finances sensibly. Bye.
I have a feeling the the good Sheik's business mind is more than a match for that of a jumped up ex-professional footballer.
I'm interested to see how they intend to "investigate" clubs to ensure that they are complying with the rules. Imagine the army of investigators required not just to investigate the clubs themselves, but the sponsors of the club to ensure that they are arms's length and getting commercial value. How do you measure that anyway ?

Complete bollocks of course but I know one thing. We'll see the real reason why they've introduced these rules by who becomes the first club to come under investigation. My guess is that it won't be the rags !

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I was listening to a radio show and also heard this elsewhere.
This will be no issue to City whatsoever.
The article mentioned rich owners of clubs can donate something like £85million then £75 before the ruling comes in, plus their is leeway until 2016 wit reduced donations allowed.
The gifts cannot be a loan!
These donnations to the club will cover in my oppinion extra wages we have to pay over a 4 year period no problem plus sponsorship and other business ideas the Sheikh will have up his sleeve.
We will be in the strongrst position of any of the top clubs.
However I would suggest we need to do as much buying as possible between now and then (which we are)

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