The currect ecnomic climate will diminish any hopes of players leaving our club , we pay wages that only a couple of clubs can match , and clubs cannot afford exorbitant fees , the majority of deals will probably be player exxhanges. If a club the size of Barca are scrounging around for free transfers it pretty much tells you the state of the game at the moment .
The majority of the "unhappy" players mentioned are on long term contracts and our club doesnt have to accept derisory offers for them , its obviously slow news time in the summer and pricks like Castles have to fill their columns , we are not alone though Pogshite wants £400k a week ,Salah wants away , Kane wants to win trophies , and others like Mbappe , Messi , Haaland ,Sancho , 99% of what Castles writes is gossip , hearsay and bullshit.
Laporte's recent retort about his unhappiness when he said to jounalist Dani Lopez "no one has talked to you and no one will"was the perfect response, a shame other players cannot shoot down the gobshites in the media.