Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Look at the Kane and Ali incidents too. If we had committed those sort of assaults they would be on play loop forever and a day, to be rolled out every matchday.
When refs and linos were part time, I worked with a Prem level lino (a few years before the Prem). He was allowed to ref lower league games and told us all about the 'assessor in the stand'. Told us that the assessor analysed every mistake in detail via VHS video. When Moss's performance is assessed he must be a candidate for demotion - the refusal to allow Jesus to be treated (failed in his duty of care), Puncheon and the non-pen. As Oscar Wilde said - 'To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.' I would like to think that the Prem are calling Mr Moss in for a chat 'Jon, I've had about 50 calls from City. They're not going away. Can we clear this up ? I've got the video, talk me through it son.'

And pigs might fly.......
When refs and linos were part time, I worked with a Prem level lino (a few years before the Prem). He was allowed to ref lower league games and told us all about the 'assessor in the stand'. Told us that the assessor analysed every mistake in detail via VHS video. When Moss's performance is assessed he must be a candidate for demotion - the refusal to allow Jesus to be treated (failed in his duty of care), Puncheon and the non-pen. As Oscar Wilde said - 'To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.' I would like to think that the Prem are calling Mr Moss in for a chat 'Jon, I've had about 50 calls from City. They're not going away. Can we clear this up ? I've got the video, talk me through it son.'

And pigs might fly.......

They stopped the assessor in the stands a few seasons ago something the refs weren’t happy with
This goes as far back as the Mane assault for me. On that occasion he rightly got sent off but the pathetic attempts to defend it were disgusting.

Refs have lost their ability to influence our games as we have become so dominant (although they still take every opportunity they can - see Leicester and palace games as evidence). Now its just a question of letting opposition players get away with assault.
This goes as far back as the Mane assault for me. On that occasion he rightly got sent off but the pathetic attempts to defend it were disgusting.

Refs have lost their ability to influence our games as we have become so dominant (although they still take every opportunity they can - see Leicester and palace games as evidence). Now its just a question of letting opposition players get away with assault.

This ^^
Referees have a duty to stop bad tackles and they set the tone for the game. Against Spurs, Kane and Alli were involved in horror challenges on KDB and Sterling. Interestingly that because it was Spurs nobody really mentioned it.

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