please help a fellow blue

francis henry lee said:
i know im not popular on BM and dont post much on here more of a guest these days but if your under 40 yrs of age please help my dad and give a swab for bone marrow as i dont want to lose him yet i know he is 78 yrs and im 50 but please help a fellow blue to see us lift another prem title #TOGETHER

Sorry i am much too old but very good luck .
Francis Henry Lee have you tried the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust to see if there are any compatible matches. All the best mate. Lost my younger brother to cancer in March of 2008 and it still hurts, more so last season when we won the premiership, as he would have gone ape with us winning it.

Once again all the best with trying to help your dad. I am also to old at 58 but would have loved to help. Have you asked any of your friends or thos ewho sit near you at the matches.
27, more or less fit as a fiddle will happily try and help. City til we all die!

PM me if needed.
Hey mate,

Im 22 and more than happy to help. Im already on the bone marrow donation register through Anthony Nolan so they should already have my details and my swab. If you need to get in touch send me a pm mate!

Good luck, City till we die!
pav90 said:
Hey mate,

Im 22 and more than happy to help. Im already on the bone marrow donation register through Anthony Nolan so they should already have my details and my swab. If you need to get in touch send me an email

Good luck, City till we die!
FHL, I lost my son to cancer and have been a blood donor since. Sadly I am too old to register now. However I come from a large caring family so I'll put the word out. Good luck.

ps pav90. You might want to delete yr email id, just in case. Pm him.
I'm not sure about the age thing, I'm 52 but fitter than many half my age so would love to Ben considered and help. PM me if possible, if not I wish you and your dad all the very best.
I registered when my nan passed from leukaemia but mum was over 50 at the time and couldn't, so v surprised that they have dropped the age limit to 40. Seems daft when people are fitter now than they ever were. Good luck and hope u get a match v soon. X

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