Please please please copy the Poznan fans!

cleavers said:
blumoonrises said:
.......I would love to see the sort of atmosphere we used to generate at Maine rd there is 1 important flaw....

Yeah there is one major flaw, it just wasn't as special as some of you remember, on its day it was good, but so is CoMS "on its day".

Even with 50,000 in there in the days of the old Kippax, it didn't hit the heights that often, I know folk remember the good old days well, but they only remember the GOOD, but it was often much like CoMS is today.

Do you know what I was thinking the same, but as a season ticket holder in main stand "H" right, thought my age and memory was playing tricks with me!

We did have our moments and singing sections in various areas of the ground, BUT it wasn't always that great and I remember the arghs as much as any chants! I have also obviously got many City DVD's and was wondering whether due to editing things had been diluted, but obviously not.

We do need to sort something started to get a singing section although now feel the atmosphere isn't going to be enhanced due to seating and main reason as I have stated before, is City fans are louder in big games but can't get up to singing against 91 Fulham fans and who can blame them. this is why when we are away we sing louder as we are the minority in most cases.
Trigger said:
We do need to sort something started to get a singing section although now feel the atmosphere isn't going to be enhanced due to seating and main reason as I have stated before, is City fans are louder in big games but can't get up to singing against 91 Fulham fans and who can blame them. this is why when we are away we sing louder as we are the minority in most cases.

Yep totally agree.

Last night there were plenty of chants started in 211/212 but they never got going.

We seem to have 2 stock songs, "Blue Moon", and "We're not really here" (and at times last night it felt like most of us weren't really there).

I'm not a song starter but always join in, but last night almost every song/chant finished after one try, the south stand is now so diluted its almost pointless, with most of the stuff started below in 109/110, but there's is no connection between the different levels, and different stands.

We probably have enough in the ground to emulate Poznan but we're so far spread its never going to happen. I doubt very much the whole of the Poznan stadium will be like last nights away section, in fact I bet it will be a bit of a disappointment when folk get there, but away fans are always better anywhere.
cleavers said:
blumoonrises said:
.......I would love to see the sort of atmosphere we used to generate at Maine rd there is 1 important flaw....

Yeah there is one major flaw, it just wasn't as special as some of you remember, on its day it was good, but so is CoMS "on its day".

Even with 50,000 in there in the days of the old Kippax, it didn't hit the heights that often, I know folk remember the good old days well, but they only remember the GOOD, but it was often much like CoMS is today.

Nope... standing on the Kippax or sittin on the white wall at the front in the 70's was nothin like COMS.. my early memories from 77 onwards are of a deafening wall of noise, however it did decline in the 80's. Whilst a lot of it is down to what is happening on the pitch, I admit I find it hard to be motivated to sing for a lot of games, prob due to those around me and after 600+ matches it needs summat special to be "up for it"..
It's very hard to emulate something like that. The Polish are not only great supporters, but are intimidating as well. I was surprised some city fans were talking trash to guys that were built like houses. A lot of them were over 14 stone of muscle!
blumoonrises said:
Nope... standing on the Kippax or sittin on the white wall at the front in the 70's was nothin like COMS.. my early memories from 77 onwards are of a deafening wall of noise, however it did decline in the 80's.

Even in the 70's we had crowds of 25,000 at a few league games, and for those the noise was just as bad as it is against Fulham, especially if weren't winning.

The old kippax also created a better noise just because of how it was, it kept the noise in (down) because of the roof, and more than that, everyone who wanted to sing stood together because it was unreserved, and everyone could go to the bit they liked.

Now we can't get together because we are all allocated a seat, and since the stadium move, the old north stand was split between those who went to the south, and those who decided not to move, and the 'kippax' side where the singing was (near the away fans), were relocated to the east (north end) ie were it was (well away from the away fans that used to be close in the north stand corner).

Before the stadium move there was much upheaval in the main singing areas over a number of years, and its never been able to regroup.

What the stadium needs is an area of unreserved seating, where those with tickets can sit where they want, and the earlier you get there the better your seat in regards singing (ie nearer the away fans).

If you go to a pop concert, those who are most active at joining with the band get there earliest, to get nearest the stage to get the best interaction.

This was how the old kippax was, it always filled earliest where the singing was, and even those who turned up late could force their way in because it was non seating.
cleavers said:
blumoonrises said:
Nope... standing on the Kippax or sittin on the white wall at the front in the 70's was nothin like COMS.. my early memories from 77 onwards are of a deafening wall of noise, however it did decline in the 80's.

Even in the 70's we had crowds of 25,000 at a few league games, and for those the noise was just as bad as it is against Fulham, especially if weren't winning.

The old kippax also created a better noise just because of how it was, it kept the noise in (down) because of the roof, and more than that, everyone who wanted to sing stood together because it was unreserved, and everyone could go to the bit they liked.

Now we can't get together because we are all allocated a seat, and since the stadium move, the old north stand was split between those who went to the south, and those who decided not to move, and the 'kippax' side where the singing was (near the away fans), were relocated to the east (north end) ie were it was (well away from the away fans that used to be close in the north stand corner).

Before the stadium move there was much upheaval in the main singing areas over a number of years, and its never been able to regroup.

What the stadium needs is an area of unreserved seating, where those with tickets can sit where they want, and the earlier you get there the better your seat in regards singing (ie nearer the away fans).

If you go to a pop concert, those who are most active at joining with the band get there earliest, to get nearest the stage to get the best interaction.

This was how the old kippax was, it always filled earliest where the singing was, and even those who turned up late could force their way in because it was non seating.

I agree but football fans in this country are too selfish to give up anything for the greater good.

You could have blocks 116, 117 and 118 in the south stand unreserved but still have season ticket holders in there. So there would be 3000 season ticket holders in there but no one would "own" a seat, you'd sinply have a season ticket for that stand. Also make 250 of the tickets in them blocks matchday sales, so if those who wanted a sing song one game after sitting in the 3rd tier all year could do so.

Would never happen though, the club would probably say no due to health and safety laws!
cleavers said:
blumoonrises said:
Now we can't get together because we are all allocated a seat, and since the stadium move, the old north stand was split between those who went to the south, and those who decided not to move, and the 'kippax' side where the singing was (near the away fans), were relocated to the east (north end) ie were it was (well away from the away fans that used to be close in the north stand corner).

Before the stadium move there was much upheaval in the main singing areas over a number of years, and its never been able to regroup.

What the stadium needs is an area of unreserved seating, where those with tickets can sit where they want, and the earlier you get there the better your seat in regards singing (ie nearer the away fans).

If you go to a pop concert, those who are most active at joining with the band get there earliest, to get nearest the stage to get the best interaction.

This was how the old kippax was, it always filled earliest where the singing was, and even those who turned up late could force their way in because it was non seating.

Now then my fellow mod, let me assure you the majority who want to sing are in 110/111 and to a certain extent 109 plus the guys in south stand.

Firstly, the guys who have wanted to sing and join in the banter have gradually moved to 109/110/111 granted they may not have been there originally but are now, if not don't you think we would have mass outcry about fans in these areas standing in front of them.

One of the big problems with COMs is where the away fans are situated and the logistics of the operation, i,e car parking facilities etc.

Now many have said why not put away fans in the top corners of the third tier in east or CB stand, I can assure you putting all City fans together and away fans miles apart would produce a sh*t atmosphere. (Newcastle prime example of this!)

Unfortunately due to seating regulations and the such it is going to be difficult to increase the singing section - sorry to point this out but The Swamp have 76K most games but wouldn't exactly call that intimidating would you! they put away support next to fans who use wheelchairs and family stand, not exactly MIB's are they ;)
Just brilliant.


Wow, that first video is insane, especially near the end. Mint fans, potentially the best I've ever saw.

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