Police at the Fernhurst

ellq said:
my dad mate got banning orders for throwing a table at a united fan .. whats rong with that ;):L
He missed - that's what's wrong! It was well OTT today. Took my nephew to his first away game and we'd just got some food at the Fernhurst when the horses came in. They were getting really heavy with people just doing nothing but standing there then threw everybody out telling them to go to the ground.
there twats police. especially in Blackburn i got done for playing football on the street sad twats!!!
i thought the police did a good job, had a good laugh with a few on the way to the ground and back.
They seemed to break it up just after they pulled a lad out the crowd and started taking his details and cuffing him. 30 seconds after that they waded in. It was after that they moved everyone out the car park. We were stood at the side watching when it happened. The kids were getting pretty scared by it all.

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