police will all be in riot gear

My experience is the coppers are generally fine until it kicks off (or they are involved / instigate a kick off to move people etc)

You get some pricks who love it, I'd probably quite love it myself but when I see them go in it's always every man for himself and they don't give a fuck. Saw a pensioner get his head coshed in by a mounted copper outside Maine Road once. Just galloped past and whacked him, blood everywhere...

It's not right but if you are unlucky enough to be in a flashpoint even by accident there's a chance you are gonna get hurt...

They wouldnt have to wear riot gear if people weren't dicks, so what can you do...
Skashion said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Why is that...? Because they arrest people who break the law. I know...Lets not have a police ofrce hey so all the cunts can do what they want!!!
I have no particular love for the idealized “worker” as he appears in the bourgeois Communist’s mind, but when I see an actual flesh-and-blood worker in conflict with his natural enemy, the policeman, I do not have to ask myself which side I am on.

God help us all.
If any City want it with Utd then inside or outside the ground is a stupid place to try.

All mongs who hang around chanting bluemoon and chucking horse shit at the dibble after games.
blueskies2 said:
If any City want it with Utd then inside or outside the ground is a stupid place to try.

All mongs who hang around chanting bluemoon and chucking horse shit at the dibble after games.

yep, better chucking at rags tbf

Ben Bronx is clearly a fuckin' United fan trying to make it out City were the wankers that day.... Where are the clips of United fans knocking kids over thinking they are 10 men and punching women cause they are well hard???? Nothing but a bunch of mindless cunts..... They are the Millwall of the North, bunch of hardmen in black hoodies!!

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