Political relations between UK-EU

From my French friend...

An Englishman refuses the vaccine. The doctor says, “Be a gentleman, take the vaccine”. “On that basis, OK,” he says.

A German guy refuses the vaccine. The doctor says, “You’re ordered to take the vaccine”. “If it’s an order, OK,” he says.

An American refuses the vaccine. The doctor says, “All your neighbours have had it”. “In that case, OK,” he says.

A Frenchman refuses the vaccine. The doctor says, “You’re not entitled to it”. “What do you mean, I’m not entitled? – I demand you give it me now.”

(Maybe Macron using reverse psychology - if he says don't use the AZ vaccine, they'll all want it - and it's cheaper!)
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Micron explicitly has said exactly that. The rest coming out of Germany and the EU is designed to destroy the reputation of the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine.
To what end? It's the cheapest and (once AZ have fulfilled the UK's "priority" contract) is likely to be the easiest to acquire and use. I'm happy to have the AZ vaccine - on balance it's worth the risk that it is less effective for older people and I know I'm part of a large test trial - because they hadn't tested it on that many older people to start with, partly because you needed vulnerable older people to test it and contract the virus to find out if it worked! But I'm not going to sit in a Covid ward at the hospital to see how I get on.

I wouldn't want the Pfizer vaccine (perhaps more reliable for older people) unless I was to get the second shot within the shorter time period as recommended by the maker.

What the scientists were saying and how Macron spun it are not the same. Even the Swedes are not authorising the UK-Swedish AZ vaccine for over-65s.
why didn't Frost tell Johnson we'd need at least another year (even before Covid hit) to avoid a shitstorm? A shitstorm is bad enough, but an in-flight shitstorm?

either he did and Johnson said nothing for his own political ends or Frosty the Showman is the shittest professional negotiator in history
You didn't want an extension, you were happy dragging it out in the hope of late EU concessions, and the UK lost a year with that stupid tactic

Because we held all the cards of course silly lol
To what end? It's the cheapest and (once AZ have fulfilled the UK's "priority" contract) is likely to be the easiest to acquire and use. I'm happy to have the AZ vaccine - on balance it's worth the risk that it is less effective for older people and I know I'm part of a large test trial - because they hadn't tested it on that many older people to start with, partly because you needed vulnerable older people to test it and contract the virus to find out if it worked! But I'm not going to sit in a Covid ward at the hospital to see how I get on.

I wouldn't want the Pfizer vaccine (perhaps more reliable for older people) unless I was to get the second shot within the shorter time period as recommended by the maker.

What the scientists were saying and how Macron spun it are not the same. Even the Swedes are not authorising the UK-Swedish AZ vaccine for over-65s.
You nailed it when you said what Macron has been spouting off about and what the scientists are saying are completely different. I have no issue with the regulatory bodies choosing to take a cautious approach - that is entirely their prerogative. However, there is a political attack coming from Macron, Germany and the EU Commission that is trying to undermine both the vaccine and the approach the UK has chosen. All they have to say is that it is up to different countries to decide how they want to do things but instead they are saying that our government is taking risks and that the vaccine is ‘quasi ineffective’.
You nailed it when you said what Macron has been spouting off about and what the scientists are saying are completely different. I have no issue with the regulatory bodies choosing to take a cautious approach - that is entirely their prerogative. However, there is a political attack coming from Macron, Germany and the EU Commission that is trying to undermine both the vaccine and the approach the UK has chosen. All they have to say is that it is up to different countries to decide how they want to do things but instead they are saying that our government is taking risks and that the vaccine is ‘quasi ineffective’.
The USA seems to be showing similar caution.
The USA seems to be showing similar caution.
That’s entirely their decision. Other then Fauci criticising the MHRA decision to approve the Pfizer vaccine before the US (& then immediately retracting and apologising) there hasn’t been a stream of US politicians claiming our approach is wrong and that we are putting UK citizens at risk. Unlike the EU I would say.
The EU approved the drug. Germany, Poland have advised against use for over 65’s as the data was insufficient by their rules.

Switzerland, not in EU, have refused to authorise it. I assume, using your logic, we will now have ‘outraged Swiss citizens demanding to join the EU‘.
Headline in the Express:
'Why we left!' Britons FURIOUS as Switzerland bans UK vaccine..


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