Political relations between UK-EU

Just for balance as the border between us and Europe hardens :)

Cadbury to transfer production of its Dairy Milk bars from Germany and other sites across Europe to the UK following £15 million investment at its Bournville site.‘
Yes, we also seem oddly affronted about decisions taken by independent sovereign countries.
So tabloid headlines represent the opinions of the masses now? In that case we all love United and Liverpool, and Madeline McCann & Meghan and Harry & Princess Di are constantly at the forefront of our collective minds.

Fair fucks to any independent nation making their own decision. Good on them.

Personally, I have faith in the UK scientific community, we are one of the most advanced nations on planet Earth.
The infantile, desperate attempts by the likes of Micron and the EU Commission to basically claim that the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine is ineffective as a means of covering up their ineptitude are hardly likely to improve UK/EU relations.

I suspect they will be squirming a lot more in a few weeks as the success of our vaccine roll out becomes more apparent and they have even more flak coming their way from outraged EU citizens.
They’re playing with the lives of their citizens over this.

On the other side, if they don’t want it, then the UK will be vaccinated quicker, I just hope we close our borders to them, for the mutation risk.
It feels great to be free of that burdensome EU bureaucracy.....

I honestly thought that a trade deal would stave off the immediate impact of Brexit and it would be slow steady barely perceptible decline that we'd get used to as time went on. Looks like I was wrong and it's not much better than No Deal for a huge number of people.

According to some industry sources the government appear to be making matters worse by refusing to discuss changes to alleviate things because they want the EU to experience some of the pain that we are in order to force concessions from them. Effectively using the same "walk away option and political will to use it" strategy that we used for the trade deal that spectacularly failed. We really do have a government of idiots.

I suspect our very own Comical Ali will be along very shortly to tell us that there's no impact for most people here and it's all scaremongering.
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It feels great to be free of that burdensome EU bureaucracy.....

I honestly thought that a trade deal would stave off the immediate impact of Brexit and it would be slow steady barely perceptible decline that we'd get used to as time went on. Looks like I was wrong and it's not much better than No Deal for a huge number of people.

According to some industry sources the government appear to be making matters worse by refusing to discuss changes to alleviate things because they want the EU to experience some of the pain that we are in order to force concessions from them. Effectively using the same "walk away option and political will to use it" strategy that we used for the trade deal that spectacularly failed. We really do have a government of idiots.

I suspect our very own Comical Ali will be along very shortly to tell us that there's no impact for most people here and it's all scaremongering.
Well advised by semi-retired consultants, no doubt.
It feels great to be free of that burdensome EU bureaucracy.....

I honestly thought that a trade deal would stave off the immediate impact of Brexit and it would be slow steady barely perceptible decline that we'd get used to as time went on. Looks like I was wrong and it's not much better than No Deal for a huge number of people.

According to some industry sources the government appear to be making matters worse by refusing to discuss changes to alleviate things because they want the EU to experience some of the pain that we are in order to force concessions from them. Effectively using the same "walk away option and political will to use it" strategy that we used for the trade deal that spectacularly failed. We really do have a government of idiots.

I suspect our very own Comical Ali will be along very shortly to tell us that there's no impact for most people here and it's all scaremongering.

The select affairs committees today don’t make for good reading either. They’re not going to be able to argue teething problems for much longer, some big changes needed already.

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