Political relations between UK-EU

another day another export sector in the shit......."excessive bureaucracy and new rules" is just ignorant reporting. All that is being applied are the rules as applicable to 3rd countries - they were warned and instead of doing their homework they believed Eustace - hard to have any sympathy to be honest

Because then, then they will have seriously underestimated British resolve and that hasn’t ended well for Europeans in the past.
Short of threatening military action what are you suggesting?
Blustering and making silly threats didn't work out particularly well last year and there's absolutely no indication that ramping up the rhetoric will work this year either. A simple recognition that their combined economy and population are around 6 times ours and their dependence on UK trade is a fraction of our dependence on trade with them would be a good start for us which will enable us to approach negotiations with realistic aims. Cherry picking a few areas where they are dependent on us and using that to go into negotiations acting like Billy Big Bollocks is a sure way of getting laughed at and ending up with a load of shite like we did with the Trade Deal. They already know where they have depended on us in the past and have contingency plans in place to circumvent most of it. They don't particularly want to because of the cost but they've demonstrated that they will do when necessary rather than roll over like some of us think they will. In reality, when push came to shove, we rolled over on fish and they have built up their own ability to trade Euro denominated shares to name just two areas where we thought we had the upper hand.
another day another export sector in the shit......."excessive bureaucracy and new rules" is just ignorant reporting. All that is being applied are the rules as applicable to 3rd countries - they were warned and instead of doing their homework they believed Eustace - hard to have any sympathy to be honest

There'll be no shortage of gammon in our supermarkets as a consequence.
There are as yet undiscovered lifeforms living off the sides of hydrothermic vents in the Atlantic Ocean who knew years ago that the brains of Brexit would resort to blaming the EU for the consequences of the UK leaving the EU.

Man alive. You clowns don't even believe this any more. It's just all you have left. I bet when you are trying to sleep late at night a part of your soul whispers "Maybe I was wrong" repeatedly.

The hardest thing in the world is to admit you were duped.

What an outstanding contribution to the debate. I particularly liked the part where you insult the intelligence of people you’ve never met.

I sleep very well safe in the knowledge I will never be wrong in voting leave. I voted leave because of TTIPs and protecting our public services like the NHS from foreign corporations interference and prosecutions is something I would do again, and again, and again. I could equally ask anyone who voted remain how do they sleep at night knowingly voting for that?, matters not it is in the long grass now the fact it even had the traction it did at that time should have rang alarm bells in everyone of us. Now many people probably weren’t even aware of it but that does beg the question did the “remainers” know what they were voting for ;)
What an outstanding contribution to the debate. I particularly liked the part where you insult the intelligence of people you’ve never met.

I sleep very well safe in the knowledge I will never be wrong in voting leave. I voted leave because of TTIPs and protecting our public services like the NHS from foreign corporations interference and prosecutions is something I would do again, and again, and again. I could equally ask anyone who voted remain how do they sleep at night knowingly voting for that?, matters not it is in the long grass now the fact it even had the traction it did at that time should have rang alarm bells in everyone of us. Now many people probably weren’t even aware of it but that does beg the question did the “remainers” know what they were voting for ;)
Voting leave to protect the NHS is a new one on me and I would genuinely like to understand that more. There has previously been a lot of talk, perhaps unsubstantiated but who knows, about the threat to the NHS from a potential trade deal with Trump's America. There were of course constant denials.

The only mention of the NHS that I remember from the leave campaign was the famous side of the bus quote, this was less about protecting the NHS but funding it.

Meanwhile, among other things, a number of our railway franchises are in the hands of foreign companies and possibly states. I understand this to be as a result of government polices that have allowed them to be sold off, not due to some instruction or direction from the EU.

So, can you educate me as to where the threat to the NHS from the EU would have arisen?
More straw clutching will do's and could be's.
We've been listening to the same tedious crap for donkey's years, yet
subsequent announcements, the facts, and actual events always, always
returns what any objective person knew all along.
Yet another disaster forecast on here once again proves utter nonsense, you
must spend your life hunting for anything that promises to do this country down. It's sad really, but no sympathy is due to folk who actively hope for

I am posting about what is happening right now. Not predictions. Reality. No amount of sky screaming is changing that.
If it was only 15% it would not have been worth making fishing the "acid test" of Brexit.

The speed of deal? You mean the deliberate delay of deal in the hope of late concessions from the EU.

It sounds like the EU is split between those who say the UK should be aware of its new status as a third county (hyped here as "independent coastal state") and those who want to keep things normal - which would have included restaurant customers wanting our shellfish but the trade is dead because of a pandemic.

Who could guess that leaving the EU in the middle of a pandemic could be bad?

Trouble is we can all make statistics support our argument. It’s headlines not the detail that people remember and repeat. The CFP is a very emotive subject on many levels (damn foreigners fishing our waters and all that) so it was a good one to go after.

The rest of your post is probably pretty much the case. Although I still say if we were told it would be ok then 3rd party or not we are entitled to rely on that. Mind you the longer we don’t evidence that fact the slightly less convinced I am!

Leaving during a pandemic or not I doubt would make much difference- I could even suggest with trade on its arse now is probably the best time to iron out all the issues but it’s certainly the worst time for revenues to be hit

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