Possibly the worst alcoholic drink in the world...

Tried some Feni in Goa
Feni is made by fermenting the fruit of the Cashew tree
tried it straight from the still in the forest
I swear i went blind for 30 secs


Had some Grappa in Sardinia .....like battery acid
Anyone remember when you were younger (below legal drinking age) at parties and someone would always bring "shitmix" which can only be described as a little bit of everything nicked out of the parents drink cabinet so that they wouldnt realise!!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Anyone remember when you were younger (below legal drinking age) at parties and someone would always bring "shitmix" which can only be described as a little bit of everything nicked out of the parents drink cabinet so that they wouldnt realise!!

I grew up in pubs, I always had the best "shitmix" !
itsnevereasy said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Anyone remember when you were younger (below legal drinking age) at parties and someone would always bring "shitmix" which can only be described as a little bit of everything nicked out of the parents drink cabinet so that they wouldnt realise!!

I grew up in pubs, I always had the best "shitmix" !

Yeah one of our mates parents had a pub he used to come with a rucksake full of shitmix, lol

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