Post Match Reaction Thread (Please post in here)

im sick and tired of whingeing mancini "they were tired" well if they were tired then they are not fit and that means he's not doing his job properly,three days is more than enough time to recharge your batteries if you are fit,this team does not have the talent or the passion to win anything, , the majority of players are only there for the money they have no pride in the jersey,
rolfemaine said:
im sick and tired of whingeing mancini "they were tired" well if they were tired then they are not fit and that means he's not doing his job properly,three days is more than enough time to recharge your batteries if you are fit,this team does not have the talent or the passion to win anything, , the majority of players are only there for the money they have no pride in the jersey,

fe fi fo fum

fuck off back to the swamp you rag bum
rolfemaine said:
im sick and tired of whingeing mancini "they were tired" well if they were tired then they are not fit and that means he's not doing his job properly,three days is more than enough time to recharge your batteries if you are fit,this team does not have the talent or the passion to win anything, , the majority of players are only there for the money they have no pride in the jersey,
I've got to say I disagree with your point about the players.Every player we have signed was courted by some very good managers in top teams.The only one who came with a government health warning was Balotelli.Let's be honest,David Villa and Samuel Eto'o are two of the worlds best strikers.If you put them in Stokes team as their front 2,where the focus is on corners,set pieces and long throws,they're not exactly going to shine are they? Give Stoke a front 2 of Edin Dzeko and Andy Carroll and it's a different story.It's horses for courses.
taconinja said:
Chippy_boy said:
I don't think its the players. Don't get me wrong, they are not all Messi that's for sure. And we paid over the odds for most of them because of the situation we are in - i.e. we were not a particularly appealing club for an outsider to want to join. So we have overpaid and we have also attracted - by and large players motivate by cash.

But still, it's not the players. They are good enough and for the most part are trying their hardest. I am sure its the way we are set up and what we are asking our players to do. Take Milner for example. Not the most skillful of players for sure, but works his socks off and will run up and down all day. A player who would get into most if not all Premiership squads in my view. A box to box midfielder who can run and tackle and pass and shoot a bit. But his lack of skill and pace means he can hardly ever beat a man. So where do we play him? On the bloody wing where he can't get past any left back in the league and he manages 0.01 crosses per game. Does my bloody head in.

I am no tactical genious, but there are countless other bizarre choices. I mean, Dzeko needs service, right? One of the best headers of the ball, right? So why on earth is Johnson on the bench? And when we do bring him on, why isn't he on the left? I know Mancini likes wingers swapped over, but surely not when you want crosses played in to a 6 foot 4 front man, handy in the air. Get Johnson sprinting down the wing, banging crosses in at speed WITH HIS LEFT FOOT. Surely? Has Mancini never seen Bale playing at Spurs?

I could go on.
Johnson is a poor crosser of the ball. Granted, he's improved of late, but he's still not a good crosser. He's also not a sprinter. He and Bale are two entirely different players with different skill sets.

You may be right, but I am not so sure. What I do know is that when he gets the ball on the right, you can be sure he has to stop and check to come inside because he can't kick it with his right. It gives the opposition just that bit of extra time to get organised.

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