Post Match Thread: City v Juventus

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We've already made the group harder than we should have, and the concern is that Monchengladbach could be another Villareal, when 10 points wasn't enough.

We need to get at least a win and a draw now out of our 3 away games, and win both home games to achieve that, quite possible obviously, and we shouldn't fear anyone in this group, but we need to take our chances, and not give any more gifts away.
Not seen if this has already been mentioned but its like we play with fear in some european games. Possibly the players feel added pressure as they know the owners want euro success sooner rather than later or is it purely that we're not as good as the european teams yet?
Also, Juve and Serie A itself have done dick in Europe too past 5 years, stop trying to pass them off as some supremely talented team way above us tactically because they made one final and lost.
First and foremost, the new facilities and stadium expansion including the work completed on the surrounding areas is fantastic, very pleasurable walk to the stadium yesterday. Should be proud of being able to attend a complex like that week in week. Secondly sitting in the second tier of the south stand last night, really enjoyed the mature and general conversation with the surrounding City fans, I didn't celebrate when we scored, I kept it muted as a sign of respect to my surroundings but I made it clear before the game to people who asked I was a Juventus fan and everyone treated me excellently. Not being from Italy, it was impossible for me to get tickets in the away end so I assume that was the same for the rest of the ones scattered around the stadium. Alas I still don't agree with celebrating in home ends, you're asking for trouble.

Onto the game itself, I'd say overall it was an even game, a draw would've been more than fair, both teams in the first half seemed very content with the way the game was going and nobody really took any risks, barring individual errors, most notably from Sturaro in the first five minutes and Lichtsteiner, City failed to carve any notable chance, nor did Juve, outside of the offside goal and Hernanes hitting the post. Both teams took pot shots, Cuadrado and Morata and Fernandinho and Kolarov but none were really troubling either keeper. Thought we did very well to funnel alot of your attacks inside and preventing Sterling isolating any player one and one, Silva also got marked very well by Hernanes, I also believe Pogba got the better of Toure for the most part.

Second half was completely different, first 10 minutes we stepped up a gear and started playing with alot more fluidity creating space between the lines and looking more confident, however City then scored with a goal that should've never stood, then really should've had a second minutes later, from there it seem to give us a second lease of life, we dominated in midfield, looked dangerous on the break and between Cuadrado and Morata's movement, I feel City were unable to deal with the spaces that were opening up, a wonder ball and finish by Mandzukic put us level then the only team who looked like scoring again was us, this was also replicated by numerous City fans sitting around me, we went on top and City were unable to muster any notable chance, De Bruyne got penned back the minute he came on and Silva became anonymous. The second goal the way it fell to Morata was fortunate but from there it was a sensational finish after that the game was secured and I thought it was useless to bring Aguero on when Bony was starved of service most of the game.

I don't think City have faced a well drilled team like this for along time, it was the same scenario in last seasons CL term mistake it for putting ten men behind the ball, like was so apparent for Chelsea, but Juventus actually played an attacking 4-3-3 last night and most of the time played two attacking players against every team last year, so I don't feel that's parking the bus.

Alot of posters underestimated Juventus, because we've lost so many star names, but once the younger players bed in and the team becomes settled, we have as much chance as City to win the CL.

On a final note, I read alot of the transfer forum over the summer, Tolmie is fantastic and a real reliable poster, but Pogba was never close to a move to City, any bid was rejected and Pogba I'm certain has been promised to Barca next summer unfortunately.
Mixture of both, but you can't tell me City played anywhere near good last night. The passing was so fing slow, seen far better performances than Juve by PL teams this season already.
I think City's performance last night would have seen us beat most of the teams in the PL.
We are getting caught up in the idea that the PL is the best in Europe because it is the most entertaining, and it probably is, but it is not , in terms of European competition , the most effective.
Juve demonstrated how a well set up , hard working team can beat a side which, man for man , should have been winning handsomely . They stifled and harried our players in a way which is just not seen in the PL. That's why our domestic football is so wealthy and watched- because you will see dozens of attempts on goal in every game- people want to watch it and tv companies want to show it. You go a goal down in the PL , you can be sure you will get plenty of opportunity to score two or three back.
It is entertainment, what we saw last night was an exercise in efficiency and expediency. It wasn't pretty from the Italians , but it was effective and effective will win you more CLs than pretty will.
But it's not just us- the PL is on the cusp of losing the 4th CL spot to the Italians because we as English clubs are not performing well enough in Europe and haven't for some years now.
Yes people will still pay handsomely to watch the PL but we are in danger of sacrificing success in the CL on the altar of "entertaining attacking football"
We are at risk of complacency in this country, but creating dozens of chances against Norwich or West Brom simply does not cut it in Europe.
Also, Juve and Serie A itself have done dick in Europe too past 5 years, stop trying to pass them off as some supremely talented team way above us tactically because they made one final and lost.

I'd say we've done more than City in Europe in the last five years.
Agree we didn't deserve to lose but to be honest I felt we were pedestrian even with Sterling in last night. There wasn't enough intensity in our play for me. Yes there were positives just not enough of them. And now we have it all to do as I reckon we'll have to win at least 2 away games ideally one being in Italy. Not a great position to be in.
The result puts us on the back foot certainly but we need to maintain our focus and I don't see any reason why we can't go to Italy and get a result. I don't think anyone will look at last nights game and think city looked out of their depth. As I said from a performance view point we were the better team overall but juventus got the result which is the most important thing.
Let's not dress this up to be something it wasn't; if we'd been playing Bayern, Barca or Real last night, we'd have gotten well and truly done over. On the other hand, if we start picking the right players, and playing them in their best positions, we'll have a better chance against the likes of Juve and Sevilla.
A sickening result. Don't really feel like posting but I've decided to after every game this season.
We weren't playing amazingly but I thought it was going fairly well. They weren't doing much, we created three wonderful chances. Probably should have been at least 2-0 up.
It's not totally fair to judge the team as I do not know all the details of what we were trying to do. But when you know how fast and clinical and magical we can be, it just horrifies me when we play so slow and risk-averse. Especially at the end.
Seen it before. Would love never to see it again but I guess that is dreaming too much. Joe Hart made a good save, Fernandinho worked very hard and good news Vincent says his his injury is not serious.
Onwards and upwards, go on City.
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