Post Match Thread: City vs West Ham

That was the least of our problems...
I didn't see that many problems in our team outside of the fact Navas wouldn't start on my Sunday League team. We hammered them for 90 minutes, and I have never seen a team get reamed like West Ham did today. Unfortunately in football, if God wills no bounces go your way that day, there is nothing you can do. I am more confident than ever after today. (As long as Navas is moved to the nutrition team, or groundsman. I am sure we can find a nice spot for him)
That has to be the most one-sided refereeing performance you're ever likely to see, absolute disgrace. Navas must be the worst crosser of the ball ever!
I know everyone will complain about Navas but I actually thought Kolarov was our worst performer. Shocking from him. I've been a big fan of him but hard to defend that performance. West Ham played like a small team, got 2 chances the whole game, won every decision, and had an amazing performance from their Gk. As for us, very disappointing, we were very unlucky, both with injuries (Kompany, Clichy, Zabaleta, Silva), as well as finishing our chances.
When Sterling went off we lost any sense of threat down that side and, arguably, lost any shape and momentum. Think Pellegrini has to hold his hands up and say he messed up today.

Criminal sub and then he added to it with taking Kolarov from that side too. But left his boy Navas there, he must know some Pele's dirty secret for sure.
No complaints, got what we deserved.

Start games in the Premier League in such a dogshit, half-assed way and you'll get punished. We were twice. After that we played well, but still lacked real quality in the final third.

Horrible week, just hope the players have the balls to put it behind them quickly.
Navas and Bony i just don't get it how do they still get chance to play after all. Bony since he subbed Sterling didn't do anything at all i don't know if he even touched the ball five times and Navas i awful still don't get it how can we afford to loan out Dzeko or Jovetic, Pellegrini is delusional i don't think that even he knows what player he should subb and who to leave on pitch.

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