Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Mays decision to give herself a personal mandate might water down some of the tax cuts still to take place, but if we are in such a perilous fiscal state that we have to cut education and health budgets (in real terms), how can we afford tax breaks for those in the upper echelons of society?

I'm still looking for the information to support the claim, "awarding tax cuts for party donors". That's a serious claim and should be backed up with serious evidence.
You pampered prat.
Millions of people cannot afford to buy bloody shares.

Beat me to it mate.

Imagine the quandary up and down the country on a weekly basis as Fred or Mavis can't quite decide what to do with their minimum food and pay the bills or invest in fucking shares?

Christ some on here are in cloud fucking cuckoo land they really are.
You pampered prat.
Millions of people cannot afford to buy bloody shares.

And millions can. Millions of ordinary people own shares, and millions more have a pension of some kind, and the beneficiaries of company profits is in the main, large institutional investors, i.e. pension funds.

My comment was merely to counter this oft-banded slur about this elusive bunch of scurrilous rich people sneaking around at night and stealing the poor's hard earned money. It's a lovely image to support a hard left narrative, but the reality is rather different.
Beat me to it mate.

Imagine the quandary up and down the country on a weekly basis as Fred or Mavis can't quite decide what to do with their minimum food and pay the bills or invest in fucking shares?

Christ some on here are in cloud fucking cuckoo land they really are.

"95% of people will be no worse off".

And millions can. Millions of ordinary people own shares, and millions more have a pension of some kind, and the beneficiaries of company profits is in the main, large institutional investors, i.e. pension funds.

My comment was merely to counter this oft-banded slur about this elusive bunch of scurrilous rich people sneaking around at night and stealing the poor's hard earned money. It's a lovely image to support a hard left narrative, but the reality is rather different.

Foreign investors own the lion's share of £1.7 trillion ($2.6 trillion) worth of stock, according to the ONS, accounting for an estimated 54% of shares.
Individual, or retail, investors meanwhile own just 12% of shares. Still, that's up from a historic low of just 10% in 2010 and 2012. For the many not the few!
We need to find ways of stopping tax avoidance. Global business are not giving anything back. We need laws that stop this financial rape. If it means no Starbucks, google or Man United in the UK so be it.
It's called a Turnover tax (implemented as an element to Corporation tax) for multinationals. Difficult to avoid. I posted details elsewhere of how it works. Essential for the digital age where such companies have so few employees.
It's called a Turnover tax (implemented as an element to Corporation tax) for multinationals. Difficult to avoid. I posted details elsewhere of how it works. Essential for the digital age where such companies have so few employees.

Yes its not that hard is it, what's stopping it, Party donations?
As of 2015 just 11% of shares traded where owned by individuals and i will wager they were not on minimum wage.

You talk some shit at times im afraid.

What % of people retire with some kind of pension of their own? The answer is 6 people out of 7.

All of those people benefit from the success and the profits of UK companies. Their pensions are invested in UK companies. And all of them would be adversely impacted upon by increased corporation tax and other Labour measures.

McDonnell talks some shit at times I'm afraid.
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