Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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What % of people retire with some kind of pension of their own? The answer is 6 people out of 7.

All of those people benefit from the success and the profits of UK companies. And all of them would be adversely impacted upon by increased corporation tax and other Labour measures.

McDonnell talks some shit at times I'm afraid.

Pensions have been decimated ffs.

What the actual fuck are you trying to say here?
I also do not have any idea how may has been to see the queen to form a government when she has not done a deal with the dup yet. How the hell does that work?

It's curious isn't it. Does she simply have to tell the Queen that she believes that she can form a government or does she have to convince HM that she has done the deal?

The DUP will obviously hold out for as much as they can, but don't they ultimately have to fall in line? Their supporters wouldn't be happy if they overplay their hand and Corbyn ends up as PM.

Although it has been suggested that a Tory/DUP alliance could be illegal under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, which has the status of a legally binding treaty.
What % of people retire with some kind of pension of their own? The answer is 6 people out of 7.

All of those people benefit from the success and the profits of UK companies. Their pensions are invested in UK companies. And all of them would be adversely impacted upon by increased corporation tax and other Labour measures.

McDonnell talks some shit at times I'm afraid.

We are not trying to argue that private companies should make money for their shareholders, we are saying they should pay a fair amount back to support the communities they make their money from.
I was hopefull that the trolling and vitriol from the momentum people would let up. I am happy to get behind Corbyn now but for you to 'cast out' a fellow member and take a hostile position is why we will never win. Do you believe in a broad church? I guess not.

I was commenting on the present NEC who were happy to cast people out, including fully paid up members on tenuous reasons, it was NOT Momentum.
The hostile position did not come from me, i merely responded to it. It will take it then, you are ok with hostile positions, as long as they agree with your views. It is a broad church and i have no problems with it.
As of 2015 just 11% of shares traded where owned by individuals and i will wager they were not on minimum wage.

You talk some shit at times im afraid.

What part of "Millions of ordinary people own shares, and millions more have a pension of some kind, and the beneficiaries of company profits is in the main, large institutional investors, i.e. pension funds."

is talking shit? 7 million people own shares and 86% have some kind of pension.

You are FAR too quick to abandon sensible discussion and resort to insults. FAR too quick.
We are not trying to argue that private companies should make money for their shareholders, we are saying they should pay a fair amount back to support the communities they make their money from.

You'll get no argument from anyone about that I think.
What part of "Millions of ordinary people own shares, and millions more have a pension of some kind, and the beneficiaries of company profits is in the main, large institutional investors, i.e. pension funds."

is talking shit? 7 million people own shares and 86% have some kind of pension.

You are FAR too quick to abandon sensible discussion and resort to insults. FAR too quick.

Yes a lot of people do have private pensions, mine as an example I will have to live to 115 years old to get back what has been paid in.
What part of "Millions of ordinary people own shares, and millions more have a pension of some kind, and the beneficiaries of company profits is in the main, large institutional investors, i.e. pension funds."

is talking shit? 7 million people own shares and 86% have some kind of pension.

You are FAR too quick to abandon sensible discussion and resort to insults. FAR too quick.

Im quick because you're busy running off on a tangent, trying to prove an argument by talking about something other than what we are trying to say and that is, companies should accept far more responsibility towards the communities that actually help make them their profits and pay their fair share.

Christ even the Tories now accept and talk about the millions of families who barely manage yet you think they can just go and invest in shares when the truth is, most can barely pay the bills and put food on the table most weeks despite holding down jobs at very profitable companies and firms that want to just trouser profits whilst paying the workers the absolute minimum.

I have zero issue in a CEO earning £Millions every year, none at all but i do when his workforce is on £7.50 an hour!
As of 2015 just 11% of shares traded where owned by individuals and i will wager they were not on minimum wage.

You talk some shit at times im afraid.
While 11% of shares are owned by individuals, who do you think owns the funds that own the other 89%?

Institutional investors who own the 89% are in the main pension funds, unit trusts and other investment vehicles most of which are ultimately owned by or benefit individuals.
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