Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Its not 5 billion that disagree. Its just that 5 billion are willing to be paid even less because they are being exploited even more.

so in your world view the poor are part, and have to remain part, of the the world low wage economy. There are no options and they just have to accept that they are poor, will remain poor and have shitty lives. From what you have previously posted you think the only way out they have is via education and training, which they cant afford and the government cant provide because the government cant afford it in these times of austerity.

It seems to me unfettered world trade makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. What you need are trade rules that mitigate the excesses of capitalism and a robust enforcement of those rules.

have i got your views wrong? Have I misunderstood what you have posted?

what about my other points from post #2308, want to address them?

It's the sheer hopelessness of their message that the likes of Chippy Boy cannot comprehend. He believes in a world where the present economic system is set in stone, with rules that are absolute and the masses must comply, unquestioningly and forever. As for education and training, a few escape hatches from this race to the bottom exist, but as you rightly point out, they've been made impossible to reach for the many, because the ladder has been pulled up in the name of austerity.
Hold an election in the next month or so and Corbyn will piss it. Never thought I would ever say that.

Shows how stupid the country is. Should never ever have a chance of becoming pm. Listen to Lord Sugars views - a self made man and former labour supporter.
Shows how stupid the country is. Should never ever have a chance of becoming pm. Listen to Lord Sugars views - a self made man and former labour supporter.
Well, yeah. Of course he's now a Tory. He knows which side his bread's buttered on.

What exactly is this post meant to prove? Other than, once again, to demonstrate that IMO you are totally out of touch with anyone beyond you're own, comfortable, circle.
Well, yeah. Of course he's now a Tory. He knows which side his bread's buttered on.

What exactly is this post meant to prove? Other than, once again, to demonstrate that IMO you are totally out of touch with anyone beyond you're own, comfortable, circle.

He was a labour supporter for many many years - he is now a Tory as he can see how far to the left labour has lurched and what a danger they are to our economy. I see a strong private sector as the cornerstone to a successful economy yes which helps everyone. IMO your comments about me - you know very little about me and are completely wrong.
May's response to this terrible disaster shows, yet again, that she is utterly out of her depth. I have no doubt she feels, as we all feel, a terrible sadness about what has happened, but her all too obvious shortcomings prevent her from showing it and as Prime Minister she has to have that ability.

May's response to this terrible disaster shows, yet again, that she is utterly out of her depth. I have no doubt she feels, as we all feel, a terrible sadness about what has happened, but her all too obvious shortcomings prevent her from showing it and as Prime Minister she has to have that ability.

Political point scoring using this tradgedy is lower than a snakes belly.
He was a labour supporter for many many years - he is now a Tory as he can see how far to the left labour has lurched and what a danger they are to our economy. I see a strong private sector as the cornerstone to a successful economy yes which helps everyone. IMO your comments about me - you know very little about me and are completely wrong.

Where've I heard this before?

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