Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Or people who are not political genius's but see that every time labour get in power things seem to go tits up and things at the moment are not that bad at all. The government gave us a referendum - the people spoke and now they are trying to deliver it.

so what went tits up in 1997 and 1998?
In fact right up to the iraq war, what went tits up?
If control have failed, it might still be political as to why.

I'd not necessarily been thinking of the standards people, but to my mind, it falls under the same concept - it might be an error (but ye gods, it's inconceivable that anyone worth employing would do that), but it might be an effect of policy.
It is either error, or corruption. Not government or council policy. The legislation is in place and the regs are quite clear and detailed.
Or people who are not political genius's but see that every time labour get in power things seem to go tits up and things at the moment are not that bad at all. The government gave us a referendum - the people spoke and now they are trying to deliver it.

I have this recurring kafka's metamorphosis like dream where I wake up one morning and I've turned in to you.
so what went tits up in 1997 and 1998?
In fact right up to the iraq war, what went tits up?

i have said what i said - every time labour get in power things seem to go tits up? Is this wrong? I can google it and give you some data but really cant be arsed. Just take my 40 years life as my view.

In my strong opinion every time labour get in power things go tits up and the tories sort it out - "professor Worlseyweb 2017"

Not really sure about 97 / 98 - i was more concerned with Alan Ball taking us down.
dont you realise thats exactly how democracy works.
Then the Tories should rally their 13,640,000 on to the streets to oppose them. Woop woop. Let's have a big show down somewhere. We should keep it civil though.

Fuck the fact that there's just been an election. Whoever can shout the loudest should win.
So the party that got nearly 50 less seats and less votes becomes the Government - seems reasonable - i think labour are extreme

Not what I am saying.
I am saying the if a minority party try to form government then the people are entitled to demo against that and put pressure on their MPs to reject that minority government and force another general election or allow another minority party to try to form a government.
If it ends up with another minority party trying to form a government, the those that object to that are entitled to demo and put pressure on their MPs to reject that minority government. Obviously if that keeps happening you end up with another general election.

Its democracy in action.

"democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other ones."
(by the by do you know who said that?)
Not what I am saying.
I am saying the if a minority party try to form government then the people are entitled to demo against that and put pressure on their MPs to reject that minority government and force another general election or allow another minority party to try to form a government.
If it ends up with another minority party trying to form a government, the those that object to that are entitled to demo and put pressure on their MPs to reject that minority government. Obviously if that keeps happening you end up with another general election.

Its democracy in action.

"democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other ones."
(by the by do you know who said that?)
It's paraphrasing Churchill...innit?
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