Post Match Thread: Kiev 1 - 3 City

Great result, some big performances out there.

Would've liked to have seen us rest a couple tonight from the start, but I think Pellegrini got his set up bang on. Fernandinho on the right actually worked really well.

Not happy with the in game management though, think we'd have been wiser not to go chasing after that third goal and try to have kept the clean sheet. Make some early changes with an eye on Sunday and close up shop, thought we faded with the pressing off the ball which made us so dominant in the first half and were too wide open at times, and none of those key players have been rested now going into Sunday.

Right all you doom and gloom merchants
Where are you?
All i hward on here the other day was we were going to lose get hammered
Ya ya is crap ,blah blah blah
Where are you tonight?????
Gr8 performance tonight
But i cant stand negativity from posters onhere b4 weve even kicked a ball
3 great goals, could have been a lot more, could have had 3 penalties to boot, where the fuck has that City been?? Shows what happens when Vince, Yaya, Dave and Sergio play together.

Theres signs of life in the season.

Now lets do the fucking Scousers.
I think Newcastle would have beaten Kiev.
great win and excellent 1st half, dipped a little in the 2nd and clichy seemed to loose a little confidence after giving the ball away for their goal

all round though excellent performance just need to do the same now for the rest of the season

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