post strike

If your a postie and your striking, your crackers.

Very soon Royal Mail will be a thing of the past and this strike and the unions will be to blame.

They still amble along under the disillusion that they are the only people able to post letters, TNT are already doing the "core" bit, it won't be long.

Compete or Die, you choose.
The postmen aren't on strike today, they strike on Friday. Plus it's got nothing to do with pay, but quite a bit to do with th pensions. A lot of those with long service told that they are only going to get half of what they were told they'd be getting.
bluemonday said:
Anyone who strikes these days is forced into by having their rights taken away, their contracts ripped up, their workload increased as their pay is frozen or cut.

If you make a total c*nt like Lord Mandelson "beyond angry", then you are obviously making the right moral decision. Sadly though, the postal workers will get fucked over and "Sun" readers and other thickoes like half the people on here will be glad to see it.

I see staff getting exploited and shafted every day and they just let it happen, cos they just want to pay the mortgage whilst their bosses coin it in and plead poverty and "ooh it's the recession".... It makes me seethe, the apathy of the crushed people of Britain.

Good luck Posties. I for one am with you.
Me too.
this is a service compete to die more like

get the other workers in other delivery companies to strike with you
Stanley said:
If your a postie and your striking, your crackers.

Very soon Royal Mail will be a thing of the past and this strike and the unions will be to blame.

They still amble along under the disillusion that they are the only people able to post letters, TNT are already doing the "core" bit, it won't be long.

Compete or Die, you choose.

Lot of truth in that .......

TNT are 'chomping at the bit' to expand their present 'limited' delivery business , and there are probably others ....... plus the likes of email , twitter , and facebook are making things far easier for people to keep in touch ..... not too mention the phones industry where they're falling over themselves to offer customers better deals than their competitors ..... and it's clear to see that things have never been toughter for Royal Mail.

The trouble is these days , without a strong union , the average worker gets pushed and pulled all over the place , often against his will or anything that he's signed up to ...... it's even happening to workers IN strong unions!

This government , and employers , want you to work until you drop , under the 'umbrella' that we're all living longer (which is a load of bollux!) ....... that way they're hoping you die before you even get to draw your pension ..... that's if a company will even enrol you into a pension scheme in the first place nowadays!
the truth is that workers must unite against these disgusting corporations and break them
Sadly, working conditions in the Royal Mail are draconian, to say the least. There is most certainly bullying in the workplace which is largely ignored by both management and the union reps.

My sister is a postie, and she has, for well over 10 years had to endure sexism and bullying at work.
Getting bitten by dogs, etc is a job hazard all posties understand. When on one occasion, she had a bad fall in someone's garden, because it had all been dug up, and she'd hurt herself badly, and had to go to hospital she was in trouble for time off work.
When she was forced/bullied back to work a few days later, still injured and unable to do her job properly, she was set upon by someone's very large dog and sustained a big old bite to her leg; another trip to hospital, tetanus, stitches, the lot.
She got a written warning for this.

The whole communications worker system (i.e. post/BT/O2 jobs) are ALL like this. They are all under the same union too. Unfortunately it seems to be turning into a militant organisation as they are so highly led by the union and not following standard lawful working practices. I am sure there are a few hundred loopholes they have exploited in order to get away with the poor treatment of staff, but in essence, there are many employment laws clearly broken to anyone of an objective viewpoint.

Adam Crozier couldn't run the FA, he certainly wasn't a suitable candidate to run the Royal Mail either...what credentials does he have???

It's sad that it is inevitable the RM will be broken up/sold off.
gagiesotherhalf said:
Sadly, working conditions in the Royal Mail are draconian, to say the least. There is most certainly bullying in the workplace which is largely ignored by both management and the union reps.

My sister is a postie, and she has, for well over 10 years had to endure sexism and bullying at work.
Getting bitten by dogs, etc is a job hazard all posties understand. When on one occasion, she had a bad fall in someone's garden, because it had all been dug up, and she'd hurt herself badly, and had to go to hospital she was in trouble for time off work.
When she was forced/bullied back to work a few days later, still injured and unable to do her job properly, she was set upon by someone's very large dog and sustained a big old bite to her leg; another trip to hospital, tetanus, stitches, the lot.
She got a written warning for this.

The whole communications worker system (i.e. post/BT/O2 jobs) are ALL like this. They are all under the same union too. Unfortunately it seems to be turning into a militant organisation as they are so highly led by the union and not following standard lawful working practices. I am sure there are a few hundred loopholes they have exploited in order to get away with the poor treatment of staff, but in essence, there are many employment laws clearly broken to anyone of an objective viewpoint.

Adam Crozier couldn't run the FA, he certainly wasn't a suitable candidate to run the Royal Mail either...what credentials does he have???

It's sad that it is inevitable the RM will be broken up/sold off.

Agree with the above.
And the fact that Alan Johnson was quite possibly the most useless trade union leader in history when he (mis)led the CWU.
And now the clown is Home Secretary.
is this the whole country this is on strike
its just that ive ordered pro evo off amazon and dont want it not getting here
strikes? are we going back to the bad old days? im all for the common worker, but having the unions holding the country to ransom AGAIN is going to reap no-one no rewards. perhaps if we looked at another little nugget in the news.

'bankers claiming even bigger bonus's than before the econmic crash'

we could all happilly speculate were half their pensions have gone.

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