post strike

lazy moaning cunts im working 12 hour shifts in preston. I know a postie who is rolling in money and always has an early day.
bonespost said:
In 2007 we signed an agreement with Royal Mail called the Pay & Modernisation deal,in that deal there are, amongst other things, a new working practice called 'absorption'.

This is one of YOUR biggest problems,whether you are a domestic or business customer!

Before the deal any postal workers rounds that weren't covered due to staff sickness,holidays,or general shortage would be covered by other postal workers on overtime.

There would be no shortage of posties willing to do this,so there was never a major problem getting the mail delivered.

But now we have 'absorption',what this now means is that any rounds now that does not have a postal worker allocated to it is now absorbed by the rest of the postal workers in the office.

With Royal Mail insisting that mail volumes are falling they are under the impression that we know have a lot of spare time in which to absorb other posties work.

This is not the case,not only have we lost 60,000 staff in the business in the last few years (our CEO Adam Crozier has publicly admitted this) but we now have a large proportion of part-time workers which affects the way the mail pipeline works.

Mail is being delayed regularly and in vast amounts around the country in the name of absorption,so managers can report that absorption has happened and the savings have been made,some posties have to leave part of their round in the office,they also are being forced to 'cut off' or stop their deliveries as they have run out of time.

Royal Mail drivers have been taken off their packet routes to help absorption, hence packets are left undelivered for days.

This is a mass abuse of the deal we signed in 07,and posties are being bullied and threatened with taken off pay if they either refuse to do this or happen to cut off.

Later deliveries
A few years back Royal Mail ceased the 2nd delivery and you now only get one, but the truth is Royal Mail did not stop the 2nd delivery they cancelled the 1st.

We now start our rounds at the time that we started the 2nd delivery years ago and now, Royal Mail want even later start times. So while today, if you're one of the lucky ones, you might meet your postman before you go to lunch, you will soon be meeting him just before dinner. We are aware that this causes big problems for businesses all over the UK more especially those that work from home.

But that does not seem to matter to Royal Mail, later start times and later deliveries are all down to modernisation, or in other words, new sorting machines being brought in which, would you believe, take even longer to sort the mail.

This will also affect our own work/life balance and there are childcare issues, and school run problems, already rising because of it.

You may also be aware before we went to Single Daily Delivery, you could pick up any packets or signed for letters left in the morning around 2 hours or so later at your local office. That, as some of you may be aware has changed, some places you have to wait 24 hours, most 48 but there are some where you can't get the packet for nearly 72hrs.

That's if your office is local instead of on some industrial estate somewhere, and of course if it does not close before lunch.

This is Royal Mail modernisation.

If you don't like your job,then leave
This is what we read about all the time from alleged customers on the Internet news stories comment sections, and, regrettably Royal Mail management.

But who says that we don't like our job. You will find that most posties love their job, but are finding it harder and harder to provide the service they want and their customers expect, not just because of the work levels, but more so the bullying and harassment by managers at all levels of the business.

Why should we have to put up with the constant B&H and worsening of our terms and conditions, when all we want to do is get on with our job and provide a service to our customers.

We will not be hounded out of a job we love in the name of profit, or be made to feel guilty because we decide to defend our current Conditions of service, instead of allowing them to be decimated because of the inherently unfair bonus culture of Royal Mail.

National strike
The 1st strike was in London N18 Edmonton against introduction of part-time duties by executive action on 7th March. Cowdenbeath DO was the first among many in Scotland to strike against Executive Action on 27th March. The whole of London took action throughout June, and over 500 other offices around the country either went out on strike or requested a strike ballot.

Previously to all of this some Mail Centres around the country took strike action over their closures, and the lack of real consultation.

London, since June have taken over 16 days of action.

During all that time we have repeatedly asked Royal Mail to negotiate with our Union about, not only the problems that you have so far read about and will read about below, but more importantly the fact that previous agreements are either being ignored or abused.

It has now come to the time where enough is enough and now we have, unfortunately, the national strikes.

No more efficiency changes this year
This is what Royal Mail have claimed but this is not the case,there are many cases on the site where Royal Mail are still pushing ahead with with their changes.

Including later start times,full-time positions going to part-time,Pegasus 2 revisions (flawed computer program),night staff being moved to days,full-time staff to prep part-time staff walks,more hours to go from delivery offices...

You the tax payer
You are being mislead by the media and the Government regarding Billions of pounds of tax payers money being used to prop up Royal Mail and our pensions,this is not the case and a blatant lie by all.

For many years the treasury have taken our profits from us for their own gain, add nearly 13 years when due to tax reasons Royal Mail did not pay into our pension scheme, and yes the treasury got that money as well, you the tax payer owes Royal Mail Billions of pounds.

Any money recently received by Royal Mail from tax payers has been a loan and has to be paid back at commercial loan rates which means that the tax payer has once again benefited from us.

This is a simple one,the Government have said that they will take over our pension deficit only if we get part-privatised.

The crux of this,is that you the tax payer will pay for our pensions,but a private investor will not have to so they will just get the profits. Our Union Leader remarked on this at the Labour Conference by saying the Government were Privatising the Profit and Nationalising the debt.

The tax payer will have the debt, while the private investor will get the profit!

We, us the humble posties do not need to tell you what happens after a company is privatised, you only need to look at your utility bills, train fares and your bank statements for that.

Mail volumes
We agree that mail volumes are down,but not as much as Royal Mail say, we accept the recession has had an effect, but again, not as much that Royal Mail has said.

With 60,00 jobs gone, bigger rounds,over 1 Million new homes built in the last few years with more to come, a few letters less in our post bag, when you add the mass increase in packets due to e-commerce,there is no leeway in our duties like Royal Mail think.

Add the fact that Royal Mail now count the mail differently with an un agreed and flawed process,then you have false traffic figures.

What is in the boxes that they send the mail down to Delivery Offices, is very much under estimated and has been shown to be so by royalmailchat members counting individual boxes.

Independent report on Royal Mail
Last year the Government requested an independent report on Royal Mail (The Hooper report) this found many flaws with the way the business is being run,including lack of transparency by the business with its figures and the fact that Royal Mail management were not up to the job.

We are not against modernisation
WE ARE NOT AGAINST CHANGE - We signed up to the Pay and Mod Agreement. RM ignored Phase 4 till we started local strikes.

WE ARE AWARE THERE WILL BE JOB LOSSES - 60,000 gone in recent years.

WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR A PAY RISE PER SE - We had a pay freeze this year which was imposed against the spirit of the 2007 agreement.

WE ARE NOT AGAINST MODERNISATION - But we haven't seen it in deliveries unless you count longer routes with heavier bags.

WE OFFERED A MORATORIUM ON STRIKES IF ROYAL MAIL DISCUSSED CHANGES - Royal Mail refused saying it was a stalling tactic but now they want it when un agreed systems are in place.

WE ARE NOT AGAINST WORKING HARD - The Union suggested having independent organisations help both sides come up with a fair and balanced way of measuring workload and standard - Royal Mail refused.

The 2007 agreement allowed local units to have innovative attendance patterns, and these were agreed in some units with full Royal Mail involvement. Yet without consulting the CWU (as per the agreement) they unilaterally enforced change on these working arrangements.

The agreement also allowed a local earnings package,this has been taken away by Royal Mail.

We are and we will strike against - Bullying and Harassment such as

• Being suspended for pointing out H&S concerns.

• Being sent home without pay when we can't complete a delivery in the time allotted especially if managers are not willing to walk test us or check individual posties frames to see how busy they are.

• Genuine overtime being struck off when you go over your contracted hours on a busy day.

• Being sent home without pay when you can't do the half hour flexibility when asked - even though personal reasons are meant to be taken into account as per the 07 agreement.

• When you do the 1/2hr flexibility not being able to claw it back or be paid it on overtime as per the 07 agreement. Or being given it back in 5 minute chunks.

• Changing our start and finish times on a weekly basis without negotiation.

• Using a flawed computer program to work out rounds with un-agreed walk speeds.

• No independent H&S review after accidents at work - Staff being blamed for accidents without thorough and external review of all pertinent matters by an independent body.

Spanish practices do not exist
The reality in modern delivery offices is that the posties slogs their guts out everyday under the gaze of managers ready to sack them for the slightest indiscretion.

Many many part-timers are bullied by managers into doing unpaid over time day in day out.

All OT has to be OK'ed by management and most posties are too intimidated to go see their manager to ask for it.

A lot of our guys do hrs of OT per week for nothing.
Give the Public a service - Yep that's Royal Mails job and guess how they do that
1. Close 3,500 Post Offices.

2. Reduce the service at 1000s of others.

3. Allow the Government to withdraw some of the services you used to be able to get at POs.

4. Ceased Sunday Collections (now for anyone to get anything on Monday you need to send it before 1230 on Saturday.

5. Cancelled Bank Holiday Collections.

6. Cancelled 2nd Delivery

7. Made the 1st delivery later than the 2nd ever was.

8. Laid off 60,000 workers through various means.

9. Close delivery offices and amalgamate them into Super DOs on industrial estates miles from bus routes.

10. Bring in a complicated and expensive postage system. (Pricing in Proportion).

11. Increase handling fees for Import from £4 to £8.

12. Increase the surcharge of underpaid items to £1.

13. Increase stamp prices above inflation.

14. Agree a price with DSA competitors to use our network which means we subsidise them to the tune of 2p per item.

15. Take 5 years to spend half of the 1.2billion the government loaned them, but we are still yet to see the machines in use on a UK wide basis even though trials are going well according to Royal Mail.

16. Removing Mail Cycles and replacing them with cars and then claiming they are doing everything to reduce carbon emissions.

17. Half day closing for all Callers Offices and a delay of up to 72 hours before you can collect parcels/letters after getting a "Sorry you were out Card"
Support you 100% mandelson and crozier are twats. All workers should support them, it could be you next, get down to the picket lines and show Solidarity. GOOD LUCK.
well we got our post as normal today in Bury so what's all the fuss about?
All I get from Royal Mail is a stack of bills....

Keep striking fella's. Though I think you might regret it when you're stood inline with 500 other people for two jobs because somebody came along and did the job better.
they should all get back to fucking work the lazy cnuts!!! should be glad they have a job coz theres thousands if not millions of people queing up to take there job.

the competition for delivery of mail is puzzling as 99% of mail goes through the letter-box via RM. The blatant lie that other companies are ready and willing to take over this part is beyond contempt. Privatisation means one thing only,a worse outcome for everyone except shareholders. Just like water, gas, electric ,buses, trains. Predictably the daily mail readers on here are gloating at another assault on working class people and jobs, i expected nothing less, they would bring back thatcher if they could, although mandleson is equally as destructive. The country is shafted, we cannot produce managers who get the best out of a workforce, in fact they get the worst out of them. One-party politics like the last 30 years means more of the same, a bleak future guaranteed.When unions are outlawed, the NHS and education is privatised ,the minimum wage scrapped ,Unicef dropping food-aid on northern cities ,pensions for civil service workers scrapped, then these days will look like paradise. Enjoy
geek said:
they should all get back to fucking work the lazy cnuts!!! should be glad they have a job coz theres thousands if not millions of people queing up to take there job.

What an intelligent response.

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