post strike

bluemonday said:
Anyone who strikes these days is forced into by having their rights taken away, their contracts ripped up, their workload increased as their pay is frozen or cut.

If you make a total c*nt like Lord Mandelson "beyond angry", then you are obviously making the right moral decision. Sadly though, the postal workers will get fucked over and "Sun" readers and other thickoes like half the people on here will be glad to see it.

I see staff getting exploited and shafted every day and they just let it happen, cos they just want to pay the mortgage whilst their bosses coin it in and plead poverty and "ooh it's the recession".... It makes me seethe, the apathy of the crushed people of Britain.

Good luck Posties. I for one am with you.

i`ve owned my own business for roughly 30 years, but i still remember being in a union,

i still read the hear the bollox in the papers and the rest of the media, that union workers are somehow different than other workers, and that they dont realise that they are putting their jobs at risk. also that the money they will lose through strike, they will not get back for years to come.

you dont have to be an albert einstein to realise this it is a sign of how far people have been pushed, that they would resort to these drastic measures. union members still have the morgage to pay or bank loan or putting kids through uni if they are lucky enough.

still while bankers are squabbling. trying to see who can get their nose deepest into the trough to snaffle their share of the multi billion pounds of bonuses on offer.these bonuses were for selling off toxic asset debt which their industry actually accumilated.

or indeed the m.p`s who claimed for everything penny they can and rob the nations purse while shaking there head at postmen and women who are trying to get fairness in the work place
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
kiam06 said:
Even if he was winding me up, that view is out there and it is wrong. Der Numpty

Three things kiam.
1) Check my post on page 2 which thoroughly supports the postal workers.
2) Don't insult respected posters for pointing out your "clarkie".
3) Lighten up and laugh a little - its an invaluable asset on here mate.

This is a serious subject mate, their are people worried about their jobs and putting food on the table. If you want to laugh about it because it does not affect you then carry on, as for insulting a 'respected' poster I don't need to he does a good enough job of insulting himself every time he posts on this topic.
I'm not sure about the rest of the Country but in London I can tell you that on the ground the union is trying to reverse the process of modernisation and TBH the whole situation reminds me of British Leyland - anyone else on here old enough to remember that twat Red Robbo and what he did to a big company in the name of the workers?
Ronnie the Rep said:
I'm not sure about the rest of the Country but in London I can tell you that on the ground the union is trying to reverse the process of modernisation and TBH the whole situation reminds me of British Leyland - anyone else on here old enough to remember that twat Red Robbo and what he did to a big company in the name of the workers?

I know what you are saying mate, the unions are as dodgy as they come. Thats why the postal workers are ina no win situation and they will sadly suffer as a result.
Stanley said:
If your a postie and your striking, your crackers.

Very soon Royal Mail will be a thing of the past and this strike and the unions will be to blame.

They still amble along under the disillusion that they are the only people able to post letters, TNT are already doing the "core" bit, it won't be long.

Compete or Die, you choose.

if you think for one minute this strike hasnt been ochestrated by the royal mail management you are kidding yourself. companies dont go under because of the workforce. companies usually fail because of piss poor management desicions.

the biggest problem with british business is sort termism, under investment and fat cat salaries paid out to tossers who have probably been appointed through the old boys network.
kiam06 said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
I'm not sure about the rest of the Country but in London I can tell you that on the ground the union is trying to reverse the process of modernisation and TBH the whole situation reminds me of British Leyland - anyone else on here old enough to remember that twat Red Robbo and what he did to a big company in the name of the workers?

I know what you are saying mate, the unions are as dodgy as they come. Thats why the postal workers are ina no win situation and they will sadly suffer as a result.

Shouldn't you be out delivering letters or something...?
kiam06 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Three things kiam.
1) Check my post on page 2 which thoroughly supports the postal workers.
2) Don't insult respected posters for pointing out your "clarkie".
3) Lighten up and laugh a little - its an invaluable asset on here mate.

This is a serious subject mate, their are people worried about their jobs and putting food on the table. If you want to laugh about it because it does not affect you then carry on, as for insulting a 'respected' poster I don't need to he does a good enough job of insulting himself every time he posts on this topic.

Oh,ffs - which part of "I support the postal workers" do you fail to understand?
Has my political stance escaped you?
You think I want to see anybody out of a job?
It is,amazing as it may seem to you,possible to side with a group of workers and maintain a sense of humour at the same time.
You really do need to lighten up mate,or you will endure a miserable time on this forum.
I was a postie for a year or so back in 04/05 sadly the "modernisation" was underway and the easier times the posties used to have was going.

In this current climate they're lucky to still have work in all honesty so it may be a case of cutting they're noses of to spite they're face, hopefully it can be resolved and not many lose they're jobs as on a the whole they're doing a good job.

But something needs to change or it'll end up going under and business moving to the private sector and this business with hiring 30k "temps" does have me slightly worried I seen enough instances of neglect and disregard of duty from normal workers nevermind the agency lot.

I wouldn't feel too confident of sending and recieving mail over the next few weeks or months..
Maineblue said:
I was a postie for a year or so back in 04/05 sadly the "modernisation" was underway and the easier times the posties used to have was going.

In this current climate they're lucky to still have work in all honesty so it may be a case of cutting they're noses of to spite they're face, hopefully it can be resolved and not many lose they're jobs as on a the whole they're doing a good job.

But something needs to change or it'll end up going under and business moving to the private sector and this business with hiring 30k "temps" does have me slightly worried I seen enough instances of neglect and disregard of duty from normal workers nevermind the agency lot.

I wouldn't feel too confident of sending and recieving mail over the next few weeks or months..

Good points mate, the only thing I would say is when you say they should think themselves 'lucky' to have a job just shows me how far the EU have devalued our workforce. It used to be the company who were lucky to have good workers and now due to the influx of cheap labour into the market it is the other way around. They can now strip people of their rights and lower their pay because they can get away with it as people are being forced into a corner where they just have to accept their lot or end up with nothing, it is very worrying as workers rights were fought for and are now being thrown out of the window whilst shareholders and fatcat bankers line their pockets with the profits.

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