Far too many to recount..most could not post as likely arrested..So a funny tale..was at med school and had a great mate,funny guy who is in the room next to me and a really straight laced guy opposite..His family lived abroad and he was a bit skint. So he asked us one day, am a bit short of cash, any ideas about part time work.? So we tell him that we are in porn movies.He was from Hong Kong. We ask him if he would be interested in some porn action where the pay is very good. Well he said he would give it a whirl. We wait a week and send him a letter. Dear Mr. ...the board of Moviewrold Inc. have considered your offer of performing in one of our movies and as we have no SE Asian genltemen on our books we would be delighted to offer you an assessment. As,I am sure you can imagine we have very strict criteria and all assessments are quite secret. So, you have have to go to Boots in St Paul's and give the password to the lady behind the cosmetics counter and she will direct you accordingly. You MUST give her the password. The password is The Turds of the Thames are Terrific.
So a few days later he comes to see us and says he has the invite but could we come with him as a bit nervous. So it was chucking it down.We enter Boots really trying not to laugh. So he goes upto the lady behind the cosmetics counter and in a very broad SE Asian accent says ' Haro,you know anyting about turds ? The turds of the Thames are terrific'
Well the lady was mortified, needless to say myself and my pal were wetting ourselves as security was called to escort him off the premises.
Trust me that is a very tame guilty secret !!