Poverty in UK


I’ve told the story of seeing a farmers field of grass, no livestock. 2-3 acres with a great view not being used for any purpose I could see. I’m out walking with my brother and his wife, who works for a global commercial property developer. I asked her how much I could offer to buy the field and build a cottage on it to enjoy the views on a small plot?

She laughed her arse off at my naiveté and started down the long list of reasons why it could & would never happen! In fact, she recorded episodes of show called “Permission Impossible” for me to watch the next time I was over. UFB!!

I also remember Gary Chuckle was trying to build a virtually subterranean Telly Tubbies type house, that could barely be seen, and he ran into all kinds of road blocks, not the least of which were people complaining that there would be an increase in traffic and maybe he’d have loud parties, etc. No idea if he actually got to build it or not!

When insects become more important than the needs of people, we’ve lost the plot.
A field of grass is to provide food for livestock in the winter. Much of our livestock is not hardy and is kept indoors in winter.
2–3 acres is a bit small but fodder is precious. I think about 30 acres would be more usual.
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As far as I can see no country has ever solved poverty so there is no template to follow. It's also very, very difficult to get true like for like comparisons between countries so it's really difficult to say country A is better than country B so we should follow what country A is doing. I've put some figures below from internet searches but they all seem to be using different ways of calculating poverty levels so should not be taken as gospel. It does look that having higher 'Scandinavian tax levels' would lower poverty but not overwhelmingly so. And don't forget that putting up taxes would probably put more people into poverty. So yet again, no simple answers.

From the internet.
Luxembourg, whose financial sector makes up 25% of its GDP, is the world's richest country by GDP per capita. With a population of just 660,000, the country is also considered a tax haven, incentivizing foreign investment due to its favorable tax policies

From an internet search on Luxembourg
The poverty rate is down slightly on the previous year, from 18.1% to 17.4% in 2022! The subjective indicator of "struggling to make ends meet" is moving in the same direction, and is also falling.

For those of us who want higher taxes to pay for 'Scandinavian public services'

From various searches.

In Sweden, relative poverty rates2 range from 11% to 21% across regions. This 10 percentage point difference is less pronounced than the average difference observed across the 29 OECD countries with available data (16 percentage points). below the relative poverty line (60% of the national median income).

At-risk-of-poverty rate in Norway 2012-2022, by broad group of country of birth​

Published by
Einar H. Dyvik,
Feb 8, 2024
Between 2012 and 2022, the at-risk-of-poverty rate among the Norwegian-born population was around 10 percent, whereas it was around 13 percent for the EU-born population, but dropped below 10 percent for the the latter in 2022. However, after dropping in 2014 and 2017, the rate among the citizens born outside of the EU was above 30 percent from 2018 to 2020, before dropping to 25 percent in 2022.
As far as I can see no country has ever solved poverty so there is no template to follow. It's also very, very difficult to get true like for like comparisons between countries so it's really difficult to say country A is better than country B so we should follow what country A is doing. I've put some figures below from internet searches but they all seem to be using different ways of calculating poverty levels so should not be taken as gospel. It does look that having higher 'Scandinavian tax levels' would lower poverty but not overwhelmingly so. And don't forget that putting up taxes would probably put more people into poverty. So yet again, no simple answers.

From the internet.
Luxembourg, whose financial sector makes up 25% of its GDP, is the world's richest country by GDP per capita. With a population of just 660,000, the country is also considered a tax haven, incentivizing foreign investment due to its favorable tax policies

From an internet search on Luxembourg
The poverty rate is down slightly on the previous year, from 18.1% to 17.4% in 2022! The subjective indicator of "struggling to make ends meet" is moving in the same direction, and is also falling.

For those of us who want higher taxes to pay for 'Scandinavian public services'

From various searches.

In Sweden, relative poverty rates2 range from 11% to 21% across regions. This 10 percentage point difference is less pronounced than the average difference observed across the 29 OECD countries with available data (16 percentage points). below the relative poverty line (60% of the national median income).

At-risk-of-poverty rate in Norway 2012-2022, by broad group of country of birth​

Published by
Einar H. Dyvik,
Feb 8, 2024
Between 2012 and 2022, the at-risk-of-poverty rate among the Norwegian-born population was around 10 percent, whereas it was around 13 percent for the EU-born population, but dropped below 10 percent for the the latter in 2022. However, after dropping in 2014 and 2017, the rate among the citizens born outside of the EU was above 30 percent from 2018 to 2020, before dropping to 25 percent in 2022.

The OP is talking about absolute poverty not relative poverty.

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