nijinsky's fetlocks said:
You and me both.
I have seldom seen such flimsy, spurious logic deployed to defend indiscriminate killing.
Thankfully it's only the usual predictable apologists who think that way.
And here's Bluemoon's very own drone, right on station.
The original post claimed that 50 civilians were being killed for every terrorist. That wasn't the case and it was actually 1 per 5 terrorists. Is that still too many? Yes it is but the sad reality is that we're fighting a war not against tanks and troops on a battlefield but people who live and hide among civilians. People who have no problem killing hundreds of innocent civilians. They don't ask you before detonating their bombs and splattering you all over a tube carriage how you feel about certain things.
Despite all the opporbrium heaped on George Bush, his policy was only to undertake targeted killings of known individuals. That's at least less repugnant than the Obama doctrine which is that if people fit the pattern of a terrorist then they'll be hit. But even that Bush policy can (and probably has) lead to the deaths of innocent people. There are always terrible moral dilemmas in war and this is sadly another.
And there's another thing. The fear of living under the threat drone attacks was well described in that study by Stanford & NYU. Yet not many if any of the people on here attacking the drone policy expressed any sympathy whatsoever for the Israeli children who live in constant dread of rocket attacks and have suffered pyschological problems because of it. Those childrens' lives don't count to them.