Predictions for the next decade...

With the ability to fast forward through adverts on Sky +, what the f*** will happen to TV?

The advertising companies will not want to advertise during commercial breaks, so the TV shows will have lower budgets.

Product placement in TV shows might become huge.
city to be top 10
hughes still in
fergie dead
santa cruz star player
robinho still here doing fuck all
A new income tax rate of 36% to pay for the follies of this government.
The hydrogen car coming to the fore.
A wind turbine on every house.
Freedom of expression to be a thing of the past.
Increased spying on everything we do, in the totally acceptable name of 'your personal security is paramount'.
Speed cameras on every road.
A general, 'you will damm well conform', and woe betide the eccentric.

It's up to us how the next 10 years evolve, but in general, more control, and less freedome.
TV Channels to die out, content will be chosen by the people kinda like going on youtube and watching videos and programmes you want anytime.

UK to New York in 3 hours.

Summer Heat Wave

Civil war and riots either between races, or just anger at the goverment.

Snow on Christmas Day

Cheque's to die out.
My death in a 10 (females) to 1 (me) orgy whilst playing lead guitar and vocals to 100000 people at City's new stadium and also eating a Lamb Tikka kebab whilst downing a pint of fosters.

Also, the dissolution of the EU.

Iran to become the next global threat.

The extinction of the Red Squirrel.

N-dubz to headline Glasto.

Berti's long awaited return to Man City on a 1 week loan.

Biggest terrorist attack in history at London 2012. (pm me for details)

Films become progressively crap because special effects over-embellish a screenplay of any worth.

Oasis Reunion.

The rise of the BNP leading them to a place in HofC.

Michael Mcintyre to release a charity single and get to Xmas No.1.

Global currency.

Johnny Rotten to appear in a channel 5 reality TV show.

No more newspapers.

No more radio.

Bin Laden to become new Portsmouth owner.

Sheikh Mansour to be knighted.

USA invade Honduras.
According to BM off topic the future holds but 2 things...

A Muslim led Britain and compulsory homosexuality. Personally, I'm not sure the two can co exist but the people have spoken.
nashark said:
My death in a 10 (females) to 1 (me) orgy whilst playing lead guitar and vocals to 100000 people at City's new stadium and also eating a Lamb Tikka kebab whilst downing a pint of fosters.

Also, the dissolution of the EU.

Iran to become the next global threat.

The extinction of the Red Squirrel.

N-dubz to headline Glasto.

Berti's long awaited return to Man City on a 1 week loan.

Biggest terrorist attack in history at London 2012. (pm me for details)

Films become progressively crap because special effects over-embellish a screenplay of any worth.

Oasis Reunion.

The rise of the BNP leading them to a place in HofC.

Michael Mcintyre to release a charity single and get to Xmas No.1.

Global currency.

Johnny Rotten to appear in a channel 5 reality TV show.

No more newspapers.

No more radio.

Bin Laden to become new Portsmouth owner.

Sheikh Mansour to be knighted.

USA invade Honduras.

This is a very serious debate. Please, if you can't contribute in a sensible and mature manner, I will pass a law that allows me to kill you and turn all your relatives into pigswill, but please don't be offended, as I am only thinking of your personal safety here!

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