Premier League Games 11/12/13 Feb

For all you getting your knickers in a twist over handball or not, what is the difference between that and Sane's
against Spurs. Nothing apart from Sanes comes of keepers head and this ricochets off of bodies/ feet.
Robertson should have cleared it, if he didn't have scutter feet and not panicked.
For all you getting your knickers in a twist over handball or not, what is the difference between that and Sane's
against Spurs. Nothing apart from Sanes comes of keepers head and this ricochets off of bodies/ feet.
Robertson should have cleared it, if he didn't have scutter feet and not panicked.

Happened much quicker and the assistant didn't have a clear view of it.
Every home game the commentary has a go at us,never heard it anywhere else
Well you heard what that woman off countdown said yesterday, so it must be true that old trafford for one never has any empty seats. Perish the thought.
Happened much quicker and the assistant didn't have a clear view of it.

Ball hits hand/arm in both instances. Not handball for me. Like i said, Hull should have cleared it better.
Also posted, because people were bemoaning that we NEVER get anything like that.

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