Premier League Games 16/17/18 Sept '22

Everton with an opportunity to show how scummy Liverpool fans are by being better and showing just the basic level of respect you expect from a civilised human and they lower themselves to red scouse levels. Disgraceful
From the BBC…

Everton v West Ham (14:15 BST)
There were a few noises from the crowd during the minute's silence for the late queen.
It's followed by a rendition of the national anthem.
The anti-Merseyside stuff on these threads is way over the top. Whatever about the LFC cult, most of us on this forum have a huge amount in common with the ordinary people of Liverpool - which, like Manchester, is a friendly city, full of wit and creativity. To denigrate a whole city and its people on account of the behaviour of a few football fans is infantile.

What's infantile is having to have your match postponed because the scouse not English mob can't behave themselves for a minute.

I have nothing in common with the red part of Liverpool, absolutely nothing.
It is simple really, the establishment, well tbf the tories shit on places like Liverpool and Manchester etc and demonise the working class, where once Manchester was the once to vermently fight against the establishment for about 150 years, the scouser (a predomonently tory place till the 1970s) like to pretend they are bastians of the embattled downtrodden, plus thw red scouse try to lay claim to the Irish dispora even though they have the 6th biggest population of such even below Burnley.
And so the myth they have crrated for themselves of the repubic of liverpool came about and though the actual stance is anti tory as the head of state the monarch is associated with any establishment stuff.

Couple with it the cover up of hilsborough, they have a point, not sure why Manchester isn't so anti-tory and establisent anymore tbh.
But, it is only recently that they started this behaviour. Wonder what was the straw that broke the camel’s back ?
Scousers always been twats even before Hillsborough.

Their city fathers allowed the owners of the docks to charge Manchester merchants exorbitant fees to bring goods in through the docks. Manchester funded the building of the ship canal to reduce their costs.

When the canal was finished the scouse twats reduced their fees, bastards.
They were also a city of staunch USA Confederate supporters.

Historian, Roy Rawlinson said, “It is said more Confederate flags flew over Liverpool than Richmond [the city in Virginia was one of the Confederacy's capitals]”.

Manchester mill workers went on strike in support of the Union and the slaves, despite many not being able to afford to feed themselves and their families in doing so, while Liverpool workers continued to work.
But, it is only recently that they started this behaviour. Wonder what was the straw that broke the camel’s back ?

Because everyone is scared to call out their poor behaviour. So the behaviour gets worse and worse and is scousewashed. They believe they are untouchable.
But, it is only recently that they started this behaviour. Wonder what was the straw that broke the camel’s back ?
Believing in their own hype and completely ignoring that every dock and pit town and city in the North was treated exactly the same as Liverpool. Many not seeing even a fraction of the investment that Liverpool has seen since in order to lift themselves out of the depression from the orchestrated removal of the economy from these towns and cities.

If Tony Evans ever took a walk around Blackpool, Burnley, Dewsbury, Barnsley, Middlesbrough, Hull etc. and compared them to Liverpool, he’d soon shut the fuck up about Liverpool being “pushed to the margins of society” like he wrote the other day.
They were also a city of staunch USA Confederate supporters.

Historian, Roy Rawlinson said, “It is said more Confederate flags flew over Liverpool than Richmond [the city in Virginia was one of the Confederacy's capitals]”.

Manchester mill workers went on strike in support of the Union and the slaves, despite many not being able to afford to feed themselves and their families in doing so, while Liverpool workers continued to work.
The people employed in the docks were a law unto themselves. Clocking in fellow workers who were off skiving, and some times even ones who were no longer with us. Lo betide anybody in power who mentioned it.
As a scouser living away from the city you have a different perspective on life. Your not surrounded by the constant negativity of some and you get a more rounded view on life in general. Sadly a lot living there still live on the 80s and have not moved on. And feel they need to "outscouse" each other. You see it all the time on holidays especially.
I think some thrive on their perception of being disliked by the rest of the country and do their best to reinforce it.

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