Premier League Games 28/29/30 Sept 2024

Still think it is City's fault for not seeing the potential
Maybe so, but I think the potential was there to see, but as I said he wasn’t getting game time here, wasn’t looking like getting more game either. It was good money at the time and fair play to him, he’s now the big star in a decent team. He was probably never gonna be the big star here because of what was in front of him. But fair play to him. Sometimes a player needs to be at the right club at the right time to let him shine.
Not having that Palmer would’ve made it here. His impatience on the ball - and selfishness - meant he was never gonna make it here.

Fabulous player, but a luxury that doesn’t suit our system. Maybe after Pep but now during. And I know which I’d rather have.
Because we accepted a bid off Chelsea that we thought was right for him. He wanted more minutes but he definitely didn't demand to leave. He was crying on the journey down to London that day.
Did he agree to leave or not?

Not saying he made demands, only that he had made rumblings about playing time and Pep felt he wasn’t quite ready yet. Good bid came in, he agreed to leave.

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