Premier League Games 6/7/8 Feb

Why do broadcasters feel the need to constantly apologise for any bad language heard? Most people watching will be adults, and will be aware that when a referee makes a mistake (rare, I know), then the manager and players are not going to "flipping hell Mr referee, I think you may have erred in your decision there". And as for kids tuning in, do they think said kids don't hear similar in the playground, or at home for that matter?
It's to pre-emptively cover themselves in the event of angry ninnies phoning or emailing Sky or Ofcom to complain about said language.
Yes 2 points dropped, 3 at Wigan and 3 to us on that marvellous Monday. Their 8 point lead wiped out and the rest is history.

Yes after all that hard work to claw it back and be in pole position I was bloody beside myself thinking we'd blown it against QPR. I'm not sure if I've forgiven them for putting me through that torture even now, even though it turned out alright in the end lol.
He won't be playing in the Championship next season.
If his club do get relegated he'll be sold on for well above the 2m they forked out for him.
Does anyone know if we have a sell on clause ? How jammy are Utd ? Antonio does his hammy ahead of the cup tie and Newcastle get decimated by injuries with the scum looming in 10 days time.

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