Prince Harry

Why Always Ste said:
Were the photo leaks really a random event, or organised?

Just seems to me the whole PR machine involved with this guy is designed to have more of a connection to the average young male in our society.

Yea, we wll think he's cool, up the royal family, yea wooohooo.

Na, doesn't go with me, all staged bullshit.

Fuck the monarchy.

Fucking YAWN
TheMightyQuinn said:
Typical kid from a broken home really.

Never knew his dad. His mum was the estate poke.

You have to feel for him on some level I suppose.

Are you on the WU?

feel sorry for him?

he's got more money than sense, let him live my life, see how shit he feels then.
Utter waste of space and air.

Once his token military service ends he's going to end up worse than air miles Andy freeloading off the state and doing fuck all for it.
Why Always Ste said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Typical kid from a broken home really.

Never knew his dad. His mum was the estate poke.

You have to feel for him on some level I suppose.

Are you on the WU?

feel sorry for him?

he's got more money than sense, let him live my life, see how shit he feels then.

I was taking the piss, any chance I get to note that Diana was a gaping whore, I take!

I think he's a ginger **** from a family of rapists, murderers and paedophiles. (Any little tories wishing to moan, read a book and realise that's what royals are, I'm not having a pop just stating facts).
gordondaviesmoustache said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I think he's a ginger **** from a family of rapists, murderers and paedophiles.

I'd never heard this about the Hewitt's.

Are you sure TMQ?

I meant his adopted family, obviously!

I can't be expected to keep up with all the men who dumped their loads in The People's Princess. I tend to just assume I'm the one guy she didn't fuck.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Typical kid from a broken home really.

Never knew his dad. His mum was the estate poke.

You have to feel for him on some level I suppose.

Grew up on handouts, has barely worked a day in his life and uses his state benefits to have it large in Vegas yet this seems to be a cause for celebration and slaps on the back.

Would it be the same goodwill if his name was Barry not Harry? And instead of using his state handouts on a piss-up in America he bought a 42 inch HD telly?

From previous threads on here I highly doubt that. Strange double standards from some.
Be fair people, he's releasing a single next week and needs publicity. It's a cover of a beastie boyz track called " One's got to fight, for one's right, to paaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrtay".
Lucky Toma said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Typical kid from a broken home really.

Never knew his dad. His mum was the estate poke.

You have to feel for him on some level I suppose.

Grew up on handouts, has barely worked a day in his life and uses his state benefits to have it large in Vegas yet this seems to be a cause for celebration and slaps on the back.

Would it be the same goodwill if his name was Barry not Harry? And instead of using his state handouts on a piss-up in America he bought a 42 inch HD telly?

From previous threads on here I highly doubt that. Strange double standards from some.

Working class kid behaving like that is a thug, a layabout and a benefit cheat. He probably pretends to be disabled too.

A royal doing it is fine.

Christ only knows how much of the taxpayers money was spent on dildos for Diana and hitmen for Charles.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Why Always Ste said:
Were the photo leaks really a random event, or organised?

Just seems to me the whole PR machine involved with this guy is designed to have more of a connection to the average young male in our society.

Yea, we wll think he's cool, up the royal family, yea wooohooo.

Na, doesn't go with me, all staged bullshit.

Fuck the monarchy.

Fucking YAWN


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