Prince Harry

Pretty sure that Attractive Female Fire Officers,Police Officers and possibly female Army Officers have been for the high jump for similar photos.

This isn't going to happen to Williams half brother is it ?

The Man is a "C" word, and dont get me started on Bruce Forsyth's ex - his Grandma.
Can all the anti royals stay off this thread please and not turn it into a royal bashing thread? Feel free to make one on that subject though.

I posted it because I think Harry is a top guy and funny as fook so let's not politicise this one?
ifiwasarichfan said:
Pretty sure that Attractive Female Fire Officers,Police Officers and possibly female Army Officers have been for the high jump for similar photos.

This isn't going to happen to Williams half brother is it ?

The Man is a "C" word, and dont get me started on Bruce Forsyth's ex - his Grandma.
I know of a female postie who got dismissed ( I won't say got the sack) for posing in mayfair magazine.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Lucky Toma said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Typical kid from a broken home really.

Never knew his dad. His mum was the estate poke.

You have to feel for him on some level I suppose.

Grew up on handouts, has barely worked a day in his life and uses his state benefits to have it large in Vegas yet this seems to be a cause for celebration and slaps on the back.

Would it be the same goodwill if his name was Barry not Harry? And instead of using his state handouts on a piss-up in America he bought a 42 inch HD telly?

From previous threads on here I highly doubt that. Strange double standards from some.

Working class kid behaving like that is a thug, a layabout and a benefit cheat. He probably pretends to be disabled too.

A royal doing it is fine.

Christ only knows how much of the taxpayers money was spent on dildos for Diana and hitmen for Charles.

Not here to fall out mate but you're wrong on a few things here.....

1) I understand that point of view. But he's a serving officer who's done a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Hasn't he earned the right to let his hair down in the same way as other young, single soldiers do? He just wants to do his job, i.e. serve in Afghan. Then some dickhead leaks details of his deployment because apparently it's in the public's interest. Death by blunt stick.

2) We're not paying for his lifestyle either. The tax payer only foots the bill for the RF's official duties. Everything else comes from their private income from Balmoral and Sandringham, which they own. Even the Sovereign Grant is self-funding, being only 15% of the total income of the Crown estate, the other 85% going into Government coffers. So, you're not really even paying for that. And they've owned all that stuff for generations, so we're not going to miss it.

Hope that helps.
2sheikhs said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
Pretty sure that Attractive Female Fire Officers,Police Officers and possibly female Army Officers have been for the high jump for similar photos.

This isn't going to happen to Williams half brother is it ?

The Man is a "C" word, and dont get me started on Bruce Forsyth's ex - his Grandma.
I know of a female postie who got dismissed ( I won't say got the sack) for posing in mayfair magazine.

you ever see the pics?

I knew of a school secretary that did it. She didn't get sacked she left after kids saw them and posted the pictures all over school. Fit as fuck she was as well
Show me a fucking daywalker in the Saxe Coburg side?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
2sheikhs said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
Pretty sure that Attractive Female Fire Officers,Police Officers and possibly female Army Officers have been for the high jump for similar photos.

This isn't going to happen to Williams half brother is it ?

The Man is a "C" word, and dont get me started on Bruce Forsyth's ex - his Grandma.
I know of a female postie who got dismissed ( I won't say got the sack) for posing in mayfair magazine.

you ever see the pics?

I knew of a school secretary that did it. She didn't get sacked she left after kids saw them and posted the pictures all over school. Fit as fuck she was as well
The pics are freely available. Just search for "Britains nudest postie,Mayfair " or something like that. She has long straight blonde hair and is really pretty. I think the main reason she was sacked was for mis-use of the uniform.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Can all the anti royals stay off this thread please and not turn it into a royal bashing thread? Feel free to make one on that subject though.

I posted it because I think Harry is a top guy and funny as fook so let's not politicise this one?
Did you really expect anything else? This is Bluemoon not the Oxford Union.

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