Had a few mates put up at Her Majesty's pleasure, visited a few and worked in a few.
General consenus is the longer your in the easier it is as it is basically home, Short term lagging is hard work and probably has a harder affect than longer terms.
To the OP it depends where your nephew is, he will do a 9 and maybe even get away with a 6 and ankle bracelet due to over-crowding, if he goes to a YO then it will be horrible as they are mainly full of peaple wanting to make a name for themselves.
General consenus is the longer your in the easier it is as it is basically home, Short term lagging is hard work and probably has a harder affect than longer terms.
To the OP it depends where your nephew is, he will do a 9 and maybe even get away with a 6 and ankle bracelet due to over-crowding, if he goes to a YO then it will be horrible as they are mainly full of peaple wanting to make a name for themselves.