Priti Vacant has a plan, a deal with migrants plan.

OK point taken and maybe I need to stop reading the Express - but this issue is not getting sorted out properly still is it?
We are over populated, the NHS is buckling, we have a lot of housing issues and people here can't house some of our own people. These are facts.
I personally wanted to stay in the EU and don't believe in Brexit and a lot of the issues we are having currently at the airports etc has been caused by Brexit.
I don't want people dying trying to get over the channel like we saw last year and this Rwanda plan is flawed but something has to be done to stop this and no policy is going to win everyone over.
Fucking hell, man, just stop and investigate what you are actually saying.
The current UK birth rate is 1.68, a birth rate of less than 2 means population decline in the UK. Its not just a UK issue, the western world is suffering falling birth rates. Malthusian predictions are proving to be a fallacy.

Check this out.

Absolutely, Everyone wants the very best for their offspring, it is why humanity has prospered.

To be fair pal, if we all fucked off somewhere remote, the remote would no longer be remote, but I understand your sentiment

Unaffordable homes is a major problem, but what is happening is a reverse to what was the norm 50 years ago, we are seeing massive inner city regeneration, look at Manchester for instance, in my lifetime our city has gone from a place you would never really want to go out to a place that attracts 250.000 people every weekend. The city is vibrant and people want to live in the city, which leads to flight from smaller towns who then appear to be failing and falling apart. As local economies fall apart predatory capitalist companies move in, the cities though are regenerating, the Northern Quarter is a prime example.

If you want more kids you need to develop policies that enable people to have larger families .... nurseries at cheaper prices, child support beyond the first two kids, etc. Many of us grew up in an age where dad went to work and mum stayed at home looking after the kids. Now it takes two to pay the mortgage and god help them if they have to pay for child care.
OK point taken and maybe I need to stop reading the Express - but this issue is not getting sorted out properly still is it?
We are over populated, the NHS is buckling, we have a lot of housing issues and people here can't house some of our own people. These are facts.
I personally wanted to stay in the EU and don't believe in Brexit and a lot of the issues we are having currently at the airports etc has been caused by Brexit.
I don't want people dying trying to get over the channel like we saw last year and this Rwanda plan is flawed but something has to be done to stop this and no policy is going to win everyone over.
As Rascal mentioned earlier I think it's more likely that government investment hasn't kept up with population change as opposed to there's just too many people. Right now the population is only growing by around 0.4% per year, how can we not cope with that? The problem is the government will spend over £1trillion publicly this year and you'd struggle to figure out what it actually gets spent on.

Either way the trajectory of the population shows that we're slowly approaching a point where the population will start to reduce because our birth rate is very low and our death rate is higher. The only bridge between that is immigration and with the birth rate staying as is we need more immigration and not less. We haven't got an aging population, we have a population that is skewed by people living longer who are having less children.

Now some would say that a falling population might be a good idea but it's actually bad because it's impossible to grow as a country if the population starts to fall. Most starter and less skilled type jobs for example are worked by young people and it's a bit difficult filling those jobs when there are no young people. The taps have also been closed to the EU so we're going to see big problems in the labour force as there just aren't enough people.

Back in the baby boomer days it was traditional in a couple for the mum to stay at home to look after the kids, that's mostly impossible today because of the finances involved. If we are going to shut off to immigration then we really need to look into helping young people to have more kids. By that I mean we need to help them into affordable housing and they need help with childcare and better paternity/maternity benefits.
The key question should be why are these people coming here?
The answer is becuase of our generous benefits system. I have to work 2 jobs to survive, get taxed to the hilt -
yet I believe these migrants get free entitlements galore upon arrival.
It really does piss me off to be honest whilst the goverment can't find homes for some of our own.
This country is broken beyond repair.
you 'believe' wrong then

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