Pro Hughes

for what its worth i blame our current situation on 7 players all of whom hughes has inherited and who with the exception of possibly 3 will not wear a city shirt again once january is over

the 7 being

jo - utter shit get rid
elano - class but not often enough, sort his atttitude out become a team player keep
vassell - shit get rid
dunne - not a captain, not a footballing defender, done a job not good enough get rid
richards- will be class isnt yet needs to sort his act out or do one, however i would keep him and hope he bucks up
johnson- see richards

if these seven had performed along witht he rest who are ie kompany, ireland , zabletta, hart , robihnio, swp and to a degree garrido we would be sitting in top 7 no dramas expecting to attract the cherry on top in january, not having to totaly rebuild

hughes has made mistakes but the players have to shoulder 90% of the blame it doesnt matter what the tactics there is no excuse for not being able to jump, head , tackle, run , pass and shoot straight they are meant to be proffessionals

that means 100% effort commitment and dedication for as long as the ref plays the game not just when they feel like it

give huhges his chance give him january let him build his team, make kompany captain drop dunne and richards and lets see where it ends

we will be in the prem next year have faith

i now stand by to be slated and ridiculed
bizzbo said:
tommcfc said:
chelsea hadn't won anything of great significance when mourinho joined
he was brought in by roman because he was considered to be the best man for the job. he is great with a blank cheque and well respected in the game which is why he would be a perfect signing for us IMO

from 96 to mourinho taking charge

FA Cup (1997),League Cup (1998), Cup Winners' Cup (1998), Super Cup (1998), FA Cup (2000), Charity Shield (2000), FA Cup runners-up (2002), two seasons in champs league including semi-finals the year before mourinho joined, runners up in the league the same season.

they finished in the top 6 for the eight years leading up to him joining.

do you really need me to post what we've achieved recently?

Chelsea hired Mourinho to take them to the next level and win the PL.

Which is what he did.


Plus assorted silverware along the way like so much loose change.

MCFC needs taking to the same level. It will take Mourinho two seasons to win the PL; three at the outside.

If you give Hughes three seasons he will at best establish MCFC as a top 6 side that flirts with top 4 and probably get us to a final.

People on here, maybe even the majority would be happy with where Hughes takes us.

I though want the earth and I'd like it as soon as possible therefore its Jose or no way for me :)
One of the most constructive threads in a long time, apart from a few cock comments of course. Well done all.

I currently still pitch my support in Lesleys camp. The guys simply needs more time to get his team together, his signings are looking top notch Kompany and Zabi especially and we always knew what we were getting with SWP and Robinho (Not necessary his signing). I liked his approach which was one of work ethic rather than dandy pre-madonna's which seemed to be the case under Sven.

This will take time to change and will obviously ruffle a few feathers along the way. That is exactly where we are now, people like Elano spitting their dummies out pisses me off, you either wanna play for city or you don't, we need passion from our players, agreed Elano should start before Vassel 9 times out of 10 but if you aint cutting the mustard on the training ground or haven't got the right attitude then the bench is where your at.

Having said that I am obviously concerned as with the rest of you with our current situation. One aspect of todays football is man management, more so than years ago due to the fact the manager is dealing with multi millionaires in most cases with massive egos, manageing these kind of people must be a right ball ache! And hearing that Lesley has a stand offish approach doesn't bode well for motivation! If this actually is the case, I personnaly have never had Hughes manage me so can not tell you his approach for sure!

But these players need to feel that they can talk to their manager and get support from him mentally as well as tactically, they all need little pep talks about their positives and negatives on the training ground put across in the right way as to make the players feel good about themselves while focusing on improving thier game, only then will players perform at their best for one another and the manager!

Fingers crossed we get this right soon!

Mourinho to be next Man City manager

Reading in the press here(pORTUGAL) that he is seriously pissed off that the Inter President wouldn´t let him sign Deco and Carvalho

He states that he is "not Merlin or Harry Potter" and that with the squad he has he cannot win the CL

The report goes on to say that he has already spoken with City and that unless Mark Hughes is top 3 by Xmas - he will be out and the Special Con will be in place for the January transfer window
meldrew said:
We need stability at the club, not chopping and changing our managers every 5 minutes. Let's not forget Hughes inherited this squad and the poor players with it.

January will see his players come in and he has the money too improve us and he will, given time. The Benjani's, Vassell's, Ball's and the like are premiership players, whom have done a job for us and should be proud to wear the shirt, just not the players we need to take us too the next level! We need grafter's with talent!

Hugghes shown he can bring in these type of players when he was at Blackburn with Santa Cruz, Bentley, Samba and Warnock he brought in players who could compete! He has brought in Zabaleta and Kompany who are very much like these players but they have a bit more about them! He brought them in when we didn't have unlimited funds.

I trust him too bring in more of these types of players who can take us too a decent level and then bulid upon that and attract the likes of Villa, Kaka and other superstars (Let's face it these players will not be coming anytime soon!)

We need too give him time, let him get a team in his mould, which should happen in January and if it doesn't work out come end of NEXT season, it would be up to the board what happens but personally too ask for him to go now is ludicrous!

What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
meldrew said:
Can't believe my thread has been revived her eby some cock with a non-story.

Whilst were here, what's everyone's views on good old Hughes now?
Same as before. He has shown nothing yet. Signed players for £120 million and still finished lower, with fewer points, than his predecessor.

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