Proud! But some of you should be ashamed


Well-Known Member
4 Jun 2009
Pellegrini's ToolBox
I for one am extremely proud of our boys tonight. Everyone from Given to Tevez gave their all tonight and as gutted and hurt as I am, i could not be prouder of our boys. They ran themselves into the ground and never gave up, no-one pulled out of a tackle and everyone put their bodies on the line. Like i say im proud, they made me cry, cheer, sing and throw up twice but the way the gave evrything tonight was a sight to behold. Ade when he came on ran Evra down the lines, Ireland supported the back line and really put a shift in.

Some of the shit i have read tonight has been appauling. Yes we lost but we set up the right way imo and the people calling for Mancini's head need to get a fucking grip. We could have easily gone there tonight and got lost in the occasion and rolled over and died but we didn't, we stood strong and pushed them all the way. They will know they have been in a game tonight. Just when i think we have all been brought together by Bobby Manc, the knobs crawl out of the woodwork to spoil it for the rest of us.


We will fight forever more
Hear Hear, he said he now wants to get us to Wembley in the FA for the fans, I think he will and I'm sure he'll get top 4, he's a positive generous guy in defeat and says City will pick themselves up for Sunday when the League resumes, love you Mancio!
The good will out. Those dirty vermin c*nts will die in a sea of debt, greed and human waste.
As Blues, we are better in every way from those rats. We don't change a match by hurling bottles and coins at sportsmen.
They have let the world know, what we've always known. SUB-HUMAN SCUM.
Couldn't agree more too.
I'm 99% over this tonight. I'm in an 'onwards and upwards' mood.
You can tell how much Bobby Manc cares about getting us our well deserved silverware owing to how he went mental when we scored. And for that, I love him.
Even my rag bastard OH called me from work a while ago and he couldn't even gloat to me, he knows me too well to even try and wind me up. I've been winding him up for the past few weeks nice and calmly. The pressure got to the rags way more than it did to us.
Fuck em, remember boys and girls, the FA Cup awaits.
there will always be stupid knee-jerk reactions on this forum

I am proud to be blue and always have been!


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