Proud! But some of you should be ashamed

Surprisingly, not too downhearted today, this is going to be the first of many, many semi final appearances in multiple competitions over the next few years.

The boys put in a good performance, worked themselves into the ground and we came up just a bit short but we are growing, we are getting better and what last night showed me is that we are going places.
In past years I'd have been well pissed off about last night, now I'm not all that bothered. It doesn't really matter, the main aim is top 4 and the progress of the team. Watching a Utd team full of old men like Scholes, Giggs, Van Der Sar & Kipper mouth prop up the rags, the truth is that they are on the brink of big down turn. These big games will be a plenty for us in coming years, for the rags it's one last chance to grab a pot before their ice age begins.
In work today colours on. The boys tried their best. I know I'll get shit from rags but I don't care anyone who knows anything about football can see whats coming, the future is bright the future is blue and I for one am looking forward not back! City for 40 years (can't honestly say I supported them since birth I had to know what football was first) looking forward to the hurt being over.
I have contradicting feelings about last night....

I was sort of pleased with the performance but at teh same time disappointed as I feel in both legs utd were there for the taking.

In the first game Mancini played far too defensively....especially in the opening 20 mins and again in the last 15 minds after we had gone 2-1 up....we should have gone for the kill at that point

Last night we started with 3 defensive midfielders......i understand his idea in this but the forwards didnt get any support from either zab, dejong or barry...leavibng them to face the utd back 4 plus carrick and fletcher......leaving them isolated and a little innaffective......

with the introduction of ireland (even though he didnt do that much) it put utd on the back foot a little more with just his willingness to get forward....however here agin mancini made a mistake.......he put ireland out on the right hand side...he should have been put in the middle, levaing swp on and just shifting zab over to right back and taking garrido off.

I hope it is a case of mancini still getting to know his squad....but i do worry about his over defensive approach to games sometimes.....

We will be able to tell more now he has ade and ireland back fit an dplaying what sort of team he may put out on a regualr basis
Utd were allowed to dominate the midfield in the second half I think its as simple as that.

Mancini's plan may have been to defend and try hit us on the break, which looking at Wright Philips on one side Bellamy on the other and tevez through the middle I can understand, for me ye didn't press anywhere near enough in the MF, Carrick, Scholes and Fletcher were allowed far too much time in the middle (no coincidence thats where 2 of the goals came from).

Aside from that if I were blue I'd be a little disappointed in the desire most of the city players showed, bar Tevez and Bellamy heads dropped far too much when Scholes scored.

But hey its football, sometimes you have to hold your hands up and say the opposition played well which I think most will admit utd did in the second half.
Having read this thread with interest I would like to give my perspective Having watched the blues since the the mid 50's I have seen it all before the highs and lows
Last night was a disappointment nothing more They at the moment have a better team but the gap is closing They are mentally stronger than us at present in games like this If I may I would like to go back to a night in March 1967 A derby where we were given little chance of winning as they were top and we were the upstarts What happened that night was that we gave them a goal start and then proceeded to wipe the floor with them That was a Rubicon we crossed that night our players realised we were capable of beating them Until we go there and do the same I'm afraid we will be in the same boat the odd derby victory now and again but them having the belief that they can turn us over at will Having scanned some of the press this morning you would think that we had been beaten out of sight Far from the truth but when was truth ever the ambition of any journalist They are more afraid of upsetting the red menace than reporting what actually happens
You know Fergie was scared of losing last night by risking a 4 match ban for Ferdinand so he could play and fielding his strongest team That should tell you how much he feared City We had to get the first goal last night and when they did it was always going to be an uphill struggle from then on
We have come a long way in a very short time Real football isn't like Championship Manager You are bound to get setbacks along the way but can anybody say we are not on the right road?
In recent weeks we have seen players from the Academy come through to the first team A positive sign again that we are turning to our home grown instead of going out and signing another big star Please have faith and a little patience
I have two sons both blues who were absolutely gutted last night as I was My youngest said to me "at least you have seen us win things" My reply was it took us long time it didn't come overnight It took a clever manager and our own products with a few stars added to make a team that was feared
We are on the right road Have faith that what we all desire will come to pass in the near future Ignore the press and TV who blow only report what is the perception and not the facts
Success is tantalisingly just around the corner There will be peaks and troughs just keep believing
Very proud of Micah Richards last night.

I thought he was our best player.

Even better than when he first came on the scene.

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