I got custody of my son when I was 21. His mum was a nutter, it turned out, and he was taken off her when he was born, (I didn't know about him as it was a one night stand). Got a call from Oldham SS and was given the chance of applying for custody or putting him up for adoption. Admittedly I instantly went for the latter as I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Anyway over the next few weeks I went through what can only be described as hell, wondering what to do, how it would work and how I would cope but came to the conclusion there was no way I could give him up. That was May 99'. From then until March the next year I went to 'dad' classes, proved my worth, went through checks after checks and assessments etc and eventually got custody of him and he came to live with me. I promised to find him a mum and thats exactly what I did. He's now 11, about to go senior school and life couldn't be better. I'm proud of that.