Questions from a Liverpool forum

Ric said:
Been asked to post these on behalf of RAWK as part of their preview of Sunday's game, if anyone fancies answering them:

1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now?

I thought we would be in a dogfight with United and Chelsea. We've performed about as I'd expect in the league in terms of points. I didn't expect RVP to stay healthy every game, so United have more points. I expected Chelsea to be much tougher opponents.

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons?

70% quality of opponents. 30% our management didn't get the team and tactics right. I don't think any English team would have got past Dortmund and Real on the form they had. The performances against Ajax were shocking.

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about amario's departure?

I think we have the best squad in the league, when Yaya is back in the team. Mario is his own worst enemy - the most talented player I have ever seen on the practice ground... something happens in front of a crowd that changes him for the worse. And he just can't "trust" the team or the process. The team we have is better off without him, I hate to say.

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why?

Zabaleta is the man. Nastasic has been a pleasant surprise. James Milner has been vital in Yaya's absence. Silva is back to his best.

5. Any players underperformed?

We haven't seen Rodwell with injury. Sinclair doesn't seem to fit our system. Garcia had a slow start but is coming on. My biggest disappointment is Nasri, and possibly Tevez for losing his scoring boots.

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool?

I think this was always going to be a building year for Liverpool and they have performed about as expected. Suarez is one of the most talented players in the world and they have ridden his form. My sense of Brendan Rogers is that he takes himself too seriously and he is half a step away from David Brent with his "mind games" and that will play out in Liverpool switching off at critical times.

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City?

Can we take Suarez's talent without the rest of his odious nature? I can't quite get over him being a cheating twat. I rate Agger and Lucas. I rate Gerrard but it would be wrong to see him play anywhere but Liverpool.

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game?

Not unless the ref sends off two of City's players in the first 15 minutes. City won't ship many goals and aren't scoring many. I see this as a 2-1 or 1-0 kind of game.

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select?

I think he'll approach every game very cautiously until we lose a couple more, then he'll take the handbrake off and we'll win the rest. This one will be cagey and cautious.

10. Finally, care to make a prediction?

Suarez will dive about 4 times, be fouled in the box once, and win a penalty for a dive but not for when he was fouled legitimately. Hart will save the penalty. Sturridge will score and kiss the badge. Dzeko will score in the 89th minute and Tevez in the 94th minute. Brendan Rodgers will wax lyrical about the superior playing of Liverpool.
Ric said:
Been asked to post these on behalf of RAWK as part of their preview of Sunday's game, if anyone fancies answering them:

1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now?
Frustrating number of draws which means we probably have 6 points less than we should have.

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons?
Very tough group obviously and think Dortmund have got to have been the best performing 4th seeds in the competition ever. If we could have held on for a win in Madrid in the first game, I think the confidence from it (and the 3 points) would have helped see us through to the KO stages

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about amario's departure?
Genuinely sad to see him go and I think it has weakened the squad for attacking options. Never expected any signings in January but do expect some overhauling of the squad in the summer

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why?
Zabaletta, Barry, Nastasic, Clichy and Dzeko have all impressed me this season but only Zabaletta has given consistently good performances. Good to Silva also coming back into form.

5. Any players underperformed?
I think Kompany has slipped below his usually high standards. Nasri needs to up his game on a more consistent basis

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool?
Shaky start but I think there is evidence he has the foundations of a good squad but don't think there is much strength in depth. I would be worried if Gerrard and Suarez were injured for any length of time. You need some stability at Liverpool so stick with Rogers.

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City?
Without doubt Stephen Gerrard

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game?
Yes, I can see an open game with both wanting to win. I predict another 2-2 draw or City just edging it

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select?
He'll be picking his strongest team and obviously going for the win. Defence might be a problem if Kompany is still out, so could be forced to try 3 at the back again with Zab and Clichy as wing backs.

10. Finally, care to make a prediction?
1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now? Yes, but then I am a glass half full person!

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons? We needed to be more ruthless but we were just feeling our way this season, just wait for next year!! ;-)

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about Mario's departure? I am very happy with the strength of our squad although I was sorry to see Mario depart. However I shall always have the memory of his huge smile when he was giving presents to children from Melland’s School in Manchester.

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why? Pablo Zabaletta has been absolutely stupendous for us this season, he is a great warrior, never gives up and even when he is bandaged up he still plays 110%. Gael Clichy is another player I’ve been impressed by, his bursts of speed on the wing are amazing, he could give Usain Bolt a run for his money! James Milner, Joe Hart and Gareth Barry have also been great. Having said that though I am extremely happy and impressed with all our team.

5. Any players underperformed? Not really in my humble opinion, some have had the occasional off day but not underperforming on a regular basis.

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool? As my son & his wife were Liverpool season ticket holders for quite a few years and I have been to Anfield many times when they weren’t able to go, I am afraid that I am extremely disappointed in your team this season and think that Brendan Rogers was never the right man for the job, in my humble opinion. His attitude toward Carroll was disgraceful and showed very little respect. To gain respect you have to earn it and I am afraid he is not earning it at the moment.Again in my humble opinion.

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City? No, sorry, although Suarez is a great player I don’t like his attitude. Five years ago I might have said Gerrard and Carragher but both are now past their prime!

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game? Yes but then I always expect that from City v Liverpool!

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select? I think he will choose an attacking squad with Hart, Kompany (fingers crossed he is fit) Zabaleta, Lescott, Clichy, Milner, Barry, Nasri, Silva, Dzeko, Aguero. With Pantillimon, Tevez, Kolarov, Nastasic and Garcia on the bench.

10. Finally, care to make a prediction? Sorry I never make predictions because I could bring bad luck!!
1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now?

I think there has been a huge progress in last 3 seasons so I was optimistic we'll make Top3 again.

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons?

I think it's a combination of both. Real Madrid is a top club and Dortmund was a huge revelation but we looked tactically naive, our build-up play is slow and maybe we were a bit arrogant too.

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about amario's departure?

Probably Txiki will want to rebuild our midfield but that's not something you can do in January. It's fair to say one or two loan deals would be nice but we won't play more than another 18 matches this season and I'm a fan of John Guidetti.
For me Mario is a good guy but I think he'll be very happy there and 17+M is a lot of money so it's a good deal.

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why?

Pablo Zabaleta is our best player 100%! 3 years ago I thought he has to leave because he's not good enough. But now? I think he's the best right-back in EPL! Brilliant, brilliant player! Another is Matija Nastasic. I didn't know him before but it's unbelievable how mature he is when you imagine he's only 19.

5. Any players underperformed?

Vincent Kompany and David Silva in first 2 or 3 months, Nasri and Kun, I have to admit.

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool?

I think first matches were not easy for you and probably you're still inconsistent. I think there's still some difference between Rodgers' Swansea and Rodgers' Liverpool. Also I think you spent more than 50M this season but some of your transfers are very poor - Borini and Sahin, of course. Also you spent around 16M on Allen and he's not that good but I know he's only 23 and this is his 2nd season in EPL so he should improve.

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City?

Luis Suarez, of course.

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game?

I'll be surprised if we'll see more than 2 goals.

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select?

I think there could be a 10-point gap between City and United before this match so we have to win. I think he'll use Kun and Dzeko upfront and we'll see if Nasri will start on the bench.

10. Finally, care to make a prediction?

My realistic prediction is 1:1.
Thanks for the replies guys! Got many more replies than I get when I do similar things like this on other fan forums.

1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now?

I think we're doing about as well as I expected, it just happens that United are doing a lot better than expected so there's a bit of a gap. However, it's not insurmountable and I still think we'll win the league. If not, with the way our defence is performing at the moment we'll have a real good shot at the FA Cup and I'd be delighted with either.

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons?

The quality of the opposition was very high. Dortmund's 4th pot ranking was completely false and Ajax were a lot better than I expected. I'm not too sure why we struggle so much in Europe. I think the English media as a whole don't give enough credit to continental sides, most of the players in the Ajax and Dortmund sides that I'd never really heard of were very good technically.

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about amario's departure?

I didn't think we'd add anyone in January, nor did I think we needed to. Losing Balotelli won't affect us much as he'd barely featured this year and when he had his contributions had been minimal. I'm sad to see him go though, he was a very talented player and I was sure Mancini was going to get him performing consistently at some point.

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why?

Most people will tell you that Zabaleta has been our star performer this year, he's everything a fan wants from a player, he wears his heart on his sleeve, he's fully committed and he can play too. However, for me Matija Nastasic has been superb. He's 19, he'd had one season in Serie A with Fiorentina before this year and yet he's managed to come into the best defence in the league and become our most reliable centre back. Kompany's form has been up and down and whilst Lescott's a solid performer Nastasic's composure and ability in the ball mark him out as a better player for me. I cannot stress how impressed I've been with the ease at which he's settled and become a key player for us.

5. Any players underperformed?

As mentioned earlier Balotelli offered very little whilst he was here but to be honest none of our strikers have hit top form. Dzeko's had some great substitute appearances but fails to deliver consistently when starting games and Aguero and Tevez work hard all the time but there seems to have just been something missing. To be fair Aguero has missed a chunk of the season through injury.

Nasri is an enigma for me, as an individual footballer I think he's fantastic; his first touch, ball control, movement, passing, finishing are all top drawer, yet he's ineffective far too often. It makes no sense. Other than that, Kompany's form has disappointed me but after last year he'd have been hard pushed to improve.

Oh, and Sinclair's shit, he makes Adam Johnson look brave.

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool?

I'd have been shocked if he'd have come in and you'd have had an immediate improvement, he was always going to need time. You can see that he's starting to get his philosophy through to the players but I don't think you'll really get the benefits for another year or two, and even then I think we're only talking about challenging for top 4 as opposed to winning the league. Some of his off the field decisions have been a bit strange; the television documentary thing, etc, and his signings haven't exactly been great. I'm glad to see Wisdom and Sterling getting regular game time though.

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City?

I think Suarez is a fabulous footballer, when he's on his feet, but I wouldn't want him at my club because of his reputation. Other than that, I rate Glen Johnson but with Zabba and Richards we're pretty much covered at right back. Agger and Skrtel are a good partnership but I wouldn't have either over Kompany, Nastasic or Lescott. Gerrard's not what he was but is still a top player, however, at 32 he's not what we'd be looking for. So no.

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game?

We're yet to concede a goal in 2013 and I can see that run continuing, with Yaya at ACoN we're playing two holding midfielders in Barry and Garcia and I'd imagine after Nasri's invisibility act at QPR that Milner will be out wide with Silva the other side, so three of our four midfielders will be defensively aware. I do think this will limit us going forward though so I'm going for a low scoring game.

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select?

As mentioned above with no Yaya he'll look to make the midfield solid so I'd suggest:

Hart, Zabaleta, Nastasic, Lescott, Clichy, Garcia, Barry, Milner, Silva, Dzeko, Aguero.

10. Finally, care to make a prediction?

1-0 City.
I could only select three responses to post on our site or I'd have been there forever typing it up! However I've linked to this so our forum members can see your answers. Thanks again!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... c=302683.0</a>
Ric said:
Been asked to post these on behalf of RAWK as part of their preview of Sunday's game, if anyone fancies answering them:

1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now?

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons?

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about amario's departure?

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why?

5. Any players underperformed?

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool?

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City?

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game?

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select?

10. Finally, care to make a prediction?

1. Bitty, stop-start, not really been playing the free flowing stuff of last season. Yes, I did after they signed van Persie.

2. The group we were in obviously didn't help, but we are not as assertive in the Champions League as we are in the Premier, it's almost as if we wait to see how the other team shapes up before we decide how we are going to play and that's nowhere near good enough.

3. We are certainly capable of winning the league again, but players really need to step up and perform consistently now The time was right for Mario to go, I'm a bit sad about it to be honest, he was a loon, but he was our loon, and I just wish he had shown more of his on-field talent while he was with us.

4. Zabaleta, hugely underrated by other teams fans, Nastasic, fitted seamlessly into our side, cool as fekk on the ball, hard to believe he is only 19 years old, Clichy, rediscovered his early promise shown at Arsenal, Gareth Barry, knits everything together, really is a very good player.

5. Nasri, Tevez, Balotelli.

6. So-so, you should have won at Arsenal in midweek, you look good going forward but vulnerable at the back. I think Brendan Rodgers has a huge rebuilding job to do at Anfield, Kenny Dalglish wasted so much money, limiting the amount available today.

7. Suarez would be simply amazing in this team with Silva, Yaya and others supplying him. Gerrard is one of the Premier Leagues all-time greats,you have a couple of good youngsters coming through, hopefully Sterling will stop slapping birds about and concentrate on his game.

8. not really, I don't think we will be as open as we were at your place, can't see more than 3 goals in this game.

9. No idea, maybe he will send out an attacking line-up with Nasri and Silva feeding Dzeko and Aguero, maybe he will tuck Tevez in behind a front man.

10. Don't like making predictions on an internet forum but I'll go 2-0 or 2-1 City. if Suarez and Sturridge are on form we might be in trouble, as Kompany is out with no natural replacement. It wouldn't surprise me if you got a point, however.
StevenLFC said:
I could only select three responses to post on our site or I'd have been there forever typing it up! However I've linked to this so our forum members can see your answers. Thanks again!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... c=302683.0</a>

Cheers. Good luck getting to the CL, would much rather see you get it than Everton, Arse, Spuds
1. What have you made of your season so far – did you believe at the beginning of the season you would be where you are now?

I'm happy with progress so far, we've dropped points but I believed we would be first or second.

2. For the second season running your side didn't perform too well in the Champions League – why do you think they were unable to replicate their league form in the competition, was it just the quality of the opponents in a tough group or are there other reasons?

Group we had was difficult and we under performed.

3. The transfer window passed without much in terms of additions for City, and of course Mario Baloteli left to join Milan. What are you feelings on the strength of your squad post-January, and how do you feel about a mario's departure?

We have a good squad but believe January signings are difficult, to sign someone we really need in Jan is a big ask. Mario's departure is a sad one for me. He could have been immense for us, but deep down I think his passion is for Milan. He'll be missed.

4. Who have been the players in the City squad that you have been most impressed with this season and why?

Pablo, Milner, Nasty, Edin and Clichy for me,

5. Any players underperformed?

Nasri, Carlos and Sergio

6. I'd like to change the focus to Liverpool now if you don't mind. What is your opinion on how our season has gone so far, and what do you think of the job Brendan Rodgers is doing at Liverpool?

I think he's doing OK to be honest, I thinks he's trying to build a good squad that can compete at all levels, albeit you're a little way off at the moment. A few more wins and you could be contenders for chimps league.

7. Are there any members of the current Liverpool squad that you would like to see playing at City?

Suarez, Agger and Sterling. I'd have Shelvey on the bench too.

8. Our sides drew 2-2 at Anfield earlier this year in a game full of quality and mistakes in pretty equal measure. Do you see the game at the Etihad being another high scoring game?

No, 1-0 or a draw. Your defence and attack are your strengths but your midfield is so-so. Our defence and midfield are good, but we lack the killer blow of late attack wise.

9. How do you think Roberto Mancini will approach the game and what team do you think he'll select?

Home game, attack, attack, attack. He was watching you against the arse so only he will know who plays and who's on the bench. Hart, Zab, Nasty, Vinnie, Clichy, Garcia, Barry, Milner, Silva, Tevez, Aguero.

10. Finally, care to make a prediction?[/quote][/quote]

1-0 for us or a draw.

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