Questions from RAWK

What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

It was a good point for us, it showed that we need time to settle player in and gel as a team

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

Was a good game but both teams were pritty poor its only the 1st game tho so i expect them both to impove

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

A cup, 4th and 2 derby wins

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

Tevez, Kompany, Yaya, Hart

Your worst player(s)?

For the money we spent on them it must be jo, santa cruz and lescott

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

my 1st match i ever went to was against liverpool at maine rd in one of the cups (can't remember much about it lol) we lost

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

boyata, weiss, balotelli?

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

4-5-1 that can be changed 4-3-3 playing defensively

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?


Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?

Gerrard he is a all round great player

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?


Care to predict the score?

1-0 city
What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

It was always going to be a tough opener. White Hart Lane is never an easy place to go and the first 45 minutes or so were a real baptism of fire for the new signings. Joe Hart's brilliance kept us in it in the first half and I felt we were significantly better after the break. Happy with the draw - the point gained is a bonus at this stage.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

Only saw the highlights so can't really comment. Ngog took his goal extremely well and were it not for a last minute cock up by your usually reliable goalkeeper you'd have taken all three points. Unlucky by the looks of things.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

The absolute minimum expectation has to be finishing in the top four, which could be construed as arrogance but isn't. If Mancini isn't able to deliver that with the tools at his disposal then he doesn't deserve the job.

That said, I see a long, hard season ahead. Chelsea and United will probably take the top two spots again which leaves ourselves, yourselves, Arsenal, Spurs, an improved Everton and maybe Villa if they sort their managerial situation out quickly to battle it out for 3rd and 4th. I'd love to think we'll finish 3rd, but it's really too early to say. Talks of a title challenge are ambitious to say the least, but stranger things have happened.

As for the cups, I fancy us to take the Europa League. It isn't everyone's favourite cup competition but any piece of silverware will do this year as far as I'm concerned. I doubt we'll take the Carling Cup as seriously as we did last year and I can't see us doing much in the FA Cup either.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

Carlos Tevez, without a shadow of a doubt. We were a different team without him in it last season and it's easy to see why the fans adore him. It was surprising to see him wearing the captain's armband from the start against Spurs, but you'd be hard pressed to find a player in our squad more deserving of the honour. He's pure class.

I also envisage Yaya Toure becoming an important player in midfield this year and maybe Joe Hart too if the Spurs game is anything to go off.

Your worst player(s)?

I'm struggling to think of the last time Shaun Wright Phillips didn't flatter to deceive for both club and country. I, like many others, was delighted when we re-signed him but he appears to be living off past glories and shouldn't really be getting anyway near our first XI on current form. Roque Santa Cruz hasn't exactly done much to endear himself to the fans during his time at the club either and I doubt too many tears will be shed if he's gone come September 1st.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

I've found myself sat in with the home fans at Anfield for a Liverpool vs. City clash on more than one occasion but the most memorable would probably the 1-1 draw the season before last. You were still in with a shout of the title whereas we were destined for mid-table obscurity as the season drew to a close. Bellamy put us 1-0 up just after half time and we managed to hold our lead for most of the second half. The home fans were becoming increasingly restless and a couple of auld fellas near me were so pissed off with their team they came close to exchanging punches. One of them even went as far as to let everyone know around him that he'd been watching Liverpool since 1946 and this was one of the worst performances he'd ever seen. Dirk Kuyt equalised soon after and everything was well with the world again.

I'd like to think those two blokes probably throttled each other after watching some of the shite served up at your place last season.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

The only two that spring to mind are 19-year-old Liberian striker Alex Tchuimeni-Nimely and the young Swede John Guidetti. Both were given a chance to impress by Mancini during our summer tour of the US and both look decent prospects. Whether they'll get any opportunities this season remains to be seen and it'll probably be a good idea to send them both out on loan for a few months for some much needed experience.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

Difficult to say. I'd like to think we'll set up with a bit more attacking intent than we did at Spurs but only Mancini really knows the answer to that question at the moment. Hopefully Jerome Boateng will start in defence after missing the Spurs game with an injury and I'd also like to see Adebayor from the off. New boy Mario Balotelli will probably be involved at some point and James Milner could also be making his City debut. My advice would be to expect the unexpected.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?

Our song writing department appears to be on strike at the moment as it feels like absolutely ages since I heard anything new. I've just bought a season ticket in the designated 'singing section' at Eastlands so I'm looking forward to hearing what the boys have been working on over the summer.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?

A fit and firing Fernando Torres would be a danger to any team. Joe Cole's red card against Arsenal means he isn't likely to feature, which is fantastic news for us. It'd be foolish to discount Steven Gerrard after one fairly mediocre season.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I'm honestly struggling to think of any. I feel we're as good if not better than you in every department at the moment. Our respective results this season will tell their own story, but the simple answer to that question would be "no".

Care to predict the score?

I'll go balls out of the bath on this one and predict a 2-0 City win. Feel free to mock me if I'm wrong.
Hello all,

I am the Rawkite that Ric posted these questions for, and let me thank all who repsonded, I relaly appreciate you taking the time.

A question for you lot,seeing as the mega rich Littlewoods pools Moores family ploughed mega money into you to make you the trophy winning team you became,don't you think it's a tad hypocritical for some of your fans to have a go at us for spending money to acheive what you achieved ??[/quote]

Personally, yes I do. If we suddenly got an owner with a bottomless pit of money and we started bidding for the likes of Robinho, there would not be many complaining. Part of it comes from frustration at our current owners, who are doing their best to destroy the club, to the point where administration is a very real fear for us in the next few months. But many supporters, like many of yours, I'm sure, just want the the club to be self-sustaining, and not reliant on the owner's personal wealth at all.

But, having said all that, if the title race goes down to the wire and it's between you and United or Chelsea, every Liverpool supporter would be hoping you do it :D. The sudden dislike is borne out of frustration, and I wouldn't take it personally. Hell, take it as a compliment.

Again, thanks for answering my questions, and if you have any for me, I'll happily answer, giving what I feel is the general consensus and my personal view.

Finally, this is a boss site, I'm really enjoying the read :)
bluealf said:
Im not falling for this Woy, get your scouts to a game and get the report in the normal manner.


I swear on my daughter's life I am not Woy, what a disgraceful thing to say.

Yours sincerely,

Sammy Lee.
KR4 said:
Hello all,

I am the Rawkite that Ric posted these questions for, and let me thank all who repsonded, I relaly appreciate you taking the time.

A question for you lot,seeing as the mega rich Littlewoods pools Moores family ploughed mega money into you to make you the trophy winning team you became,don't you think it's a tad hypocritical for some of your fans to have a go at us for spending money to acheive what you achieved ??

Personally, yes I do. If we suddenly got an owner with a bottomless pit of money and we started bidding for the likes of Robinho, there would not be many complaining. Part of it comes from frustration at our current owners, who are doing their best to destroy the club, to the point where administration is a very real fear for us in the next few months. But many supporters, like many of yours, I'm sure, just want the the club to be self-sustaining, and not reliant on the owner's personal wealth at all.

But, having said all that, if the title race goes down to the wire and it's between you and United or Chelsea, every Liverpool supporter would be hoping you do it :D. The sudden dislike is borne out of frustration, and I wouldn't take it personally. Hell, take it as a compliment.

Again, thanks for answering my questions, and if you have any for me, I'll happily answer, giving what I feel is the general consensus and my personal view.

Finally, this is a boss site, I'm really enjoying the read :)

Classy post IMO.
What did you think of the opening game against Spurs? In the first half I think the new arrivals got a real culture shock with the rapid tempo of the game, and obviously Joe Hart saved us with some outstanding saves. Second half we played a lot better and moved the ball around well I thought. Shaun or Manu might even have nicked it for us. All in all satisfied with a point at a difficult ground and against a bogey team for us.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it? First half an hour I thought Arsenal dominated and I thought they might win comfortably. Fair play to Liverpool they got their act together and exploited Arsenal's main weakness, the keeper. Arsenal's goal was clearly very fortunate but I have to say a decent keeper wouldn't have been beaten at his near post like Almunia for Ngog's goal.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions? Honestly, I'm thrilled to bits with the new signings and I think we could even come as high as second in the league. As for the cups it depends how seriously we take them all, but it's well documented we have a big and talented squad, so I'd be looking for at least quarter finals in all of the cup competitions.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)? Blimey. I reckon Hart, both full backs (very important in Mancini's system in terms of providing width), Yaya, Silva, and obviously Carlitos.

Your worst player(s)? At the moment the likes of Caicedo and Jo. After all of our outgoings I might be tempted to say Micah Richards although he's not bad at all. Sign of the times that the guy who 2 years ago was one of our best players is one of the least talented now in the squad.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with? The '77 game, the '96 relegation, Kiki Musampa's last minute strike and Anelka's performance at Anfield in '03 stand out for me.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about? Vladi Weiss has great potential, as do Boyata, John Guidetti and Alex Nimely.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us? I reckon similar to the Spurs game but with Boateng instead of Micah Richards and Shaun out for Super Mario.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation? 'Fergie Fergie sign him up' is a favourite, I like the Alexsandar Kolarov one to the tune of 'Amarillo' too.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most? Your number 9.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt? Agger, I can't get my head round why he wasn't a regular under Benitez.

Care to predict the score? Got to back City haven't I? 2-1, Carlos and SMB for us.
Ric said:
As with last season, RAWK have sent through some questions ahead of the game next Monday. If anyone fancies responding just leave your answers below.


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

We got a point, but Spurs were the better team. We could have lost to a cricket score but for the efforts of Hart. It's early days, but it has to get better.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

I didn't see the game. Sorry. I was round at my mothers cooking the tea and taking her dog for a walk in the sunshine!

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

I really don't know what to expect this season. I'm not making a prediction about anything. I don't know. Perhaps it's because I've been watching City for over 40 years, and you never really believe things will change. If I have to make a prediction, we won't be relegated!

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

It's too early to tell. A lot of players have come in, and some more are on their way, but I hope Tevez keeps his form from last year.

Your worst player(s)?

None that will be in the 25 could be considered bad. One or two may have an indifferent season, but on the whole, I'm happy with the squad.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

My abiding memory of playing Liverpool is in the FA Cup in 1973 at Anfield. Being squashed like a sardine in the Kemlin Rd stand, the brilliant sunshine reflecting off the grass, listening to Carly Simons' song 'You're so Vain'.

I have other memories, of course, but that one sticks out as my parents had tickets in the main stand, but it was pay on the gate for the terraces, so we left early in the morning to make sure I got in. We drove to a factory near Speke airport, got on a shuttle bus to the ground, and I stood in the que to get in.

Thousands were locked out, I got in, but whenever I hear that Carly Simon song, it always takes me back to that sunny afternoon.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

Probably not anyone you haven't heard of, but I'm expecting great things from Vladimir Veiss. He's the most exciting prospect I have seen at City for many a year.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

I'm not a tactician, and with players still coming in, I have no idea.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?

I still don't know the words of the Adebayor chant, so I'm not going to be much help on this one. I used to give it my all in the Kippax years ago, but I sit in my seat, watch the game, and occasionally boom out a few of the old classics.

My favourite is Invisible Man.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?


Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?

Glen Johnson.

Care to predict the score?

2-0 City.

I always think City will win.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
can you answer all the ones you asked us from your viewpoint about our club?


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

I thought City looked a bit disjointed, but then they were up against a team that were settled. Last season we lost at WHL on opening day, and City lost there, so I'd say a point is an improvement. Spurs will be ruing two points lost. Hart was brilliant, and absolutely the right choice over Given, who I don't rate.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

Very frustrating, as has become the norm against Arsenal. I thought the first half was quite even, but we were the better in second, despite being down to ten. It was a really unfortunate goal to concede, I must say.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

I am completely bi-polar on this one, but a good run in the cups and hopefully top four would be it. League - 4th. Fa Cup - semis. League Cup - final 16. Europa Cup - quarters.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

Torres. His fitness will define our league placing.

Your worst player(s)?

I'm one to wear red-tinted glasses, so have a very hard time criticising any of our
Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

Pacecho looks a hot prospect, and god, do we need him. I'm also hopeful of our new young signings Shelvey and Wilson.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

That's a tough one as Roy has only had one game, and we have a game midweek where who knows what will happen (and yes, I am aware of the stinking hypocrisy of me saying that as you have a game, too). If all are fully fit I'd expect:

Johnson Carra Agger Insua
Masherano Aquilani (or Lucas)
Kuyt Jovanovich

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?

None that I can think of.

Which Man City player will you fear the most?


Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?

Tevez. We were in for him and I was gutted when we didn't get him.

Care to predict the score?

Heart says 1-2. Heads says no clue.
Ric said:
As with last season, RAWK have sent through some questions ahead of the game next Monday. If anyone fancies responding just leave your answers below.


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs? We battered them all game, but just couldn't break them down. Absolutely imperious at the back and in midfield. It was unfortunate that the media scrutinised the deflected shots and long range efforts that lead to the exaltation of Joe Hart.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it? I didn't watch it. Give me Songs of Praise over two teams scrapping for a Europa League place any day of the week.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions? I expect the season to be difficult due to the period of time the players need to settle in and the vast number of games. Notwithstanding these challenges, I expect us to come first in the prem. As for the cups, I expect we will have more trouble, probably having to beat teams in extra time to win all the silverware which we will do.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)? We are a team, no player is any better or any worse than the others. Over the years, we've lacked cohesion. This year is different.

Your worst player(s)? Yaya Toure - on too much money.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with? I remember watching Musampa score a last minute winner against you lot. Unfortunately, I was unable to see the anguish on many Scandinavian faces as I was in the hospital, unable to attend.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about? No. We fucked youth development off a long time ago. Like the ancient Chinese proverb goes: Why buy shares in Enron when you can have Microsoft shares for the same price?

What sort of line-up will be put out against us? A title-winning one.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation? "City, City, (repeat over and over until everyone gets bored and then you can laugh at the one at the end who continues chanting yet has a weak voice and is remarkably more audible than everyone else, and feels embarrassed by the exposition of their voice in a public place). The chant is pretty self-explanatory - we sing it because the founders of the club went on to create a 1927 film entitled Metropolis (synonym: city). Obviously, the fans passion extends to that of the founders, and as a means of backing them in an oblique way, we chant this to show our gratitude for creating such an extraordinary club. You scousers(?) could take a leaf out of our book.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most? Kuyt. His face gives me nightmares.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?
Care to predict the score? No.

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