not my fault! said:"you guys"... When did I ever slate bluecreed? Or anyone? My view isn't that Ajay or bluecreed or anyone shouldn't be questioned, my argument is the way it's done!
Calling people wanker or telling them to just fuck off isn't needed whether it's AJay, bluecreed or Tolmie. Abuse is out of order regardless of what is posted in good faith. And yes I believe he posts in good faith based on second hand info he gets, I think our Aussy friend above has said it how it probably is. I just don't see the need forthe Ajay witchhunt, he only has to respond to a post (not even info or itk related) and he's jumped on. I just find it sad how some of my fell blues can be so wound up.
Fuck off, wanker!
You had that comming :)