Racist banana throwing is now allowed in English grounds...

johnmc said:
Helmet Cole said:
Sorry if it has already been said ( not read all 10 pages), but surely if someone makaes a complaint to the FA about the bananas then they are duty bound to investigate/act?

But there were no bananas so it isnt an issue

I am sorry to disagree with you but if you watch the MOTD coverage there are definitely bananas landing on the pitch just in front of Adebayor. What was thrown after that I am not sure but I have slowed the 'tape' down and have watched it again and it was bananas.
Eccles Blue said:
johnmc said:
But there were no bananas so it isnt an issue

I am sorry to disagree with you but if you watch the MOTD coverage there are definitely bananas landing on the pitch just in front of Adebayor. What was thrown after that I am not sure but I have slowed the 'tape' down and have watched it again and it was bananas.

No bananas and if there were there would be a massive outcry about it (rightfully so if done racially) and City could use this as part of their appeal. But they won't as there were no bananas thrown. Show me conclusive evidence and i'll admit i'm wrong.
Already said it this is not in doubt, they were thrown can clearly be seen on the replays. They talked about this in length on talk sport yesterday they had several callers on the issue. Adrian Durham made a big deal out of saying that the Arsenal fans throwing Bannanas at ADE was not racist

If he is charged I am sure it will be raised as it was clearly racially motivated. If you want proof look at the numerous replays on him sliding on the floor towards the Arsenal fans, you can see a couple of them landing at his feet.
The only banana i could see was an half eaten one

Hardly pre-meditated banana flinging racism

Lets all stop being scouse and acting like victims

Ade knew what he was doing would wind the fans up and he did wrong stamping on RVP's face - he will get punished and we will move on - wallowing in all this oh they did this or they did that is like 2 fucking kids arguing
alera said:
Already said it this is not in doubt, they were thrown can clearly be seen on the replays. Like I said they talked about this in length on talk sport yesterday they had several callers on the issue.

It IS in doubt. Just coz someone spoke about it on talksport does not mean anything at all. Show me a banana. I have watched all the videos and can see a burger being thrown, a chair, coins and lighters, and match programmes. No banana - people who sit in the area have also said there was no banana but you have decided to ignore that.

Do you not think City would use this in Adebayors defence - do you not think the press would have pictures all over the news???
They are clearly visible on the replays, if you choose to ignore them John thats your call.

They werent singing that racist song either were they ?
The idea that it's premeditated is tenuous and personally I think totally over the top. It's one banana, absolute max, even if that's what it is. If someone was going to make a big point of throwing bananas in a racist fashion they'd bring along more than one. All it is is people throwing whatever's at hand, one person in the heat of the moment. They had no idea they'd have the chance to throw them close to him, and why would they have waited til then?

Were they singing the racist song? I couldn't make the match.
Certainly were see Martin Samuels comments. Everyone in the ground must have heard it. A bannana can clearly be seen on his replays landing at his feet people want to justify IMO its racist to throw a bananna at a black african player.
alera said:
Certainly were see Martin Samuels comments. Everyone in the ground must have heard it.

Well there are arguments over whether our song is racist as well - i don't think it is but some people do.

As i have stated show me proof of these bananas and i will admit I am wrong.

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