Radio 5live Mickey '£10' Thomas now

That sent me off to sleep happy last night. I was a little disappointed we missed out on a full on break down, but he wasn't far off. "Nobody knows the future" maybe not Mickey, but as Rooney obviously knows, when you sign washed up crocks and a homeless, you can make a fairly well educated guess.
Haha 25 minutes in.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 0_10_2010/</a>
sounds like hes ready to start crying during parts of that. what a really sad life he must lead.
'If you go to Real Madrid, Barcelona or Chelsea you aren't guarenteed trophies'.

'City may never get there' (winning trophies).

'City haven't signed great players, they've just signed players for vast amounts of money'.

'How many great players are at City, Chelsea and Arsenal? There's none'. Errr, Mickey.

City: Silva, Tevez, Milner, Johnson, Yaya Touré, Kompany, Kolo Touré.
Chelsea: Lampard, Terry, Drogba, Essien, Anelka, Cech.
Arsenal: Fabregas, Arshavin, Wilshere, Clichy.

The Spurs fan onwards is comedy gold. When he starts getting arogant and arsey towards that Spurs fan: 'What you on 'bout, mate. We've wone well more than you'. I love it when he says 'you can't guarentee trophies at other clubs'. So you can guarentee it at 'Nited then, can you? Then he tries to clear his own name at the end by saying he 'never moved for money'. Fuck off, Mickey. A lot of the media bunch are so caught up in their own delusion. They forget that football is a job now. They're on about loylty etc. when everyone knows that footballers aren't loyal. They play for money and everyone knows that, they're just scared to admit it to themselves because they'd rather make us look like arrogant rich sods who can throw money at anything.

Would they be saying that Rooney was greedy if he'd signed a new contract worth more at United? I don't think so.

This is so funny. I've never even heard of Twatty Thomas but he sounds like a right dick who's got too much to say for himself. He suffers from stubborn nostalgic sentiment, and he has a very severe case. This is funny to listen to.
Trigger said:
manimanc said:
mickey thomas reminds me of that knight in monty python who has got his arms and legs chopped off and is lying on the forest floor shouting the odds and saying he`s won......blinkers on,red specs on and pot meet kettle....

This scene is the current situation all over.

Us being Arthur King of the Britains, of course.
Don`t quote me on this (as this may be just myth/urban legend, although I`m lead to believe it is in fact true) but I heard he had his tongue cut off for non-payment of gambling debts and talking sh1te all the time, when he went to visit a plastic surgeon all he could afford as a replacement was a camels tongue.
As I say, may be just myth/urban legend but when you listen to him talk, well, it makes you wonder.
Brilliant the Spurs fan really ripped into him, I hope he goes to Barca or Real and wins Champions league with them, Utd haven't got a pot to piss in Ozil wouldn't go because he probably thought the same as Rooney less money no ambition.

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