Rag Cafe in Meltdown (merged)

Re: Rag Cafe in Meltdown

<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:16 pm --<br /><br />
Re: Rag Cafe in Meltdown

I just find it amusing that some of the rags on those threads were saying Hansen would have a field day on MOTD. He can't get enough of U****d, when he has to praise City he looks like he's chewing a fucking wasps' nest.
Re: Rag Cafe in Meltdown

Absolutely loving some of these comments on Rag Cafe.

Ifiwasarichfan - Reserve Team Player.
Re: Rag Cafe in Meltdown

Ducado said:
I know it's another teams forum, but on this momentous occasion it's fun to laugh at the arrogant bastards classic quote (which is flying around RAWK)

Apart from the 6 goals they scored I thought we contained them pretty well..

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It's comedy gold on there

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1-6 vs 1-4
The 1-6 today or the 1-4 vs Liverpool two years back. What hurt more? For me the Liverpool result was far worse than this as I honestly thought we'll throw away the title. Today's result is bad but it doesn't feel half as bad as that for me.

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Probably Liverpool. The last several goals today barely even registered.

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Today, worst defeat ever.

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This was acquired by plastic - so not really an achievement for them in any way.

The Liverpool one was miles worse


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Blessing in disguise?
After our recent woeful performances and as much as it pains me to say this - maybe this is exactly what we needed - a cold hard slap to the face.

Bring on the next game.

#2 (permalink)
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If the blessing was getting hammered at home by City then I'd rather it have stayed a disguise.


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Fergies worst ever defeat at United
Up until today, Fergie always maintained the defeat that stung him the most was the 5-1 demolition by City at Maine Road back in 1989. For many of us around in that era, it wasn't a beating, it was a complete assasination. United were systematically ripped apart that day, and many supporters that day began to question whether Fergie had it in him to carry on leading the team.

For many of the players in the team that day, that was the point at which they had to stand up and be counted. Either shape up or ship out. For some it was the former and they went on to become the backbone of the great title winning team in 1993. For many it was the beginning of the end. The drinking culture that had plagued United for years was now going to be stopped. Those players that wouldn't play ball were slowly shipped out. They had their chance under Fergie and blew it.

Todays result on paper looked very similar to that day, but theres one major difference today than in 1989. In 1989 the team was poor, and for Fergie that defeat made him realise that his faith in the players was not justified in certain areas. He had to make changes, he had to whittle out the crap and bring in hungry new blood.

Todays game was a superb team against a rampant City Team. Unlike in 1989, Fergie knows what his team can do. They can produce. Unfortunately today they chose not to. Its not like in 1989. He doesn't have to change the ethos of the club, the ethos of the team. He has to just remind the players that over confidence and arrogance bring about bigger falls. WHen you are at the top and you fall, theres further to go before you hit the bottom. The knack is making sure you don't fall.

Fergie has a great team. The kids are a joy to watch, unlike in 1989 when you knew that team was utter dross.

Yes its a hard pill to swallow. Yes it hurts, but it will hurt Fergie more because he knows deep down that the players he has can do it. In 1989 he was made to realise that the players he had were not good enough..

Rest assured Fergie will make sure that the players are painfully aware of what defeats like this mean to clubs like United, but unlike in 1989 he can go to bed tonight knowing its a one off. Tomorrow won't be the same as today. In 1989 he went to bed knowing that everyday was going to be the same, and for that reason he will be hurting, but not as badly as he did back then.

Todays game may be the worst defeat on paper, but we all know its a one off.. And Fergie will know it too.

Chin up... it looked bad, but for those of us who were around in 89, at least today we know next week we will see the proper United back on the pitch and have confidence. In 1989 we suffered the City defeat and in our hearts we knew that the next week would more than likely be as bad, if not worse.

(Yaya_Tony said "HAHAHAHAHAHA bollocks")


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That was a disgrace
6 fucking 1

I severely hope some arsehole gets torn to shreds tonight because that was pathetic.

(Yaya_Tony said "didn't we already do that?!")

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Never felt pain like this in my life.

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We were a man down. City took full advantage.

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Hard to even look forward to any matches we have coming up now, we are so far from Man City it's not funny.

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United attacked right to the end. Personally I'm proud of the lads despite the result.

City is too good a team to go down a man against, and at home United are always going to attack.

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the result is simply the case of a team playing in 10 men throwing caution to the wind.

In hind sight it would have been better had we not scored. The goal gave the players a belief that they could achieve the unthinkable and it went very wrong
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#25 (permalink)
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3 goals in stoppage time. Never seen a United team care so little about being humiliated. They lost all pride and were virtually waiting for the whistle to blow so they could leave the pitch.

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Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
Being a man down at home doesn't explain a 6 fucking 1 loss.

They were the better team. Even with eleven, they felt more threatening than us. We had all the possession whilst they cut us open with what possession they had. Balotelli would've scored a second had Evans not stopped him.
Bollocks. United were the better team till they scored against therun of play. Even enough then after the goal until the sending off, at which point things fell apart as City made great use of the extra man.

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Originally Posted by FreakyJim View Post
no problem, it just wasn't our day
we were unlucky, our midfield is fine, everything is fine
United were shite, not unlucky
The midfield is not fine
Everything isn't fine, we just got thumped by city at home and certain players look like they have forgotten to play football.

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Papers/radio/friends are going to be unbearable, watch how they "forget" us being down to 10 men they wont mention it and wont look at Evans sending off as the turning point


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We're gonna go unbeaten in the league..
..Either this season, or the next. Its inevitable in my eyes. In all my years of watching football, there are very few teams I've seen with as strong a mentality as this one and it comes straight down from the manager. No doubt there have been more talented teams with more techinically gifted players, but no team personifies "never say die" more than these lads.


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19 Consecutive wins. 25 Games Unbeaten. Our fantastic Home record has ended today…
… Well beaten and deservedly so.

Lets 1st applaud the great run we had. And then ask what was wrong today –
Sadly our midfield is quite simply not as good as City’s. Fletcher’s form has dropped dramatically over the last 2 years. Anderson has had a great start to the season but his form has dipped recently.

Evans is a great squad member. But that is all he will ever be IMO. He was playing well, but should he have been tighter on Balotelli for their 1st goal? And then the sending off he was all over the shop. He can be a liability at times.

City are looking awesome. I predicted at the start of this season that yes they have the players but I questioned Mancini. I wondered if he had it in him to win a title. He has proved me wrong and they are going to take some stopping this season.

It feels very much like Chelsea part 2 right now.

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They are favorites now. They have an amazing squad.


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Atmosphere Today
It was as bad as the performance on the pitch.

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Weird, you bertie.

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6-1! Have that you cunts.

Blue moon.


\Getting bored and mildly sick now...


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Leaving With 20 Minutes to Go
I assume you all saw that. Unbelievable.


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Bad day. We'll be back.
What can you say?

That was a one in a lifetime beating. We were lacklustre with 11 men and completely and utterly hopeless with 10.

The game was over after the Evans red. I don't think too much can be read into the title race. We've been worse than 5 points off before.

Ferguson is the best manager in the business and he'll settle the ship. Vidic will come in at the back and everything will settle down.

We'll be back.

I'm off to cry.

Re: Rag Cafe in Meltdown

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f6/message-city-fans-342185/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f6/message-city-fans-342185/</a>

lol they are really hurting,read below

Firstly let's get it out the way, yes, I'm bitter.

Bitter, but I'm also proud. Proud to support a team that has worked it's way up to the top of the footballing world through years of success. We are a footballing force respected the world over for the hard work that has gone into our achievements. Yes, we've spent a few bob along the way but we've also earned every single penny of that through money that is directly related to our hardwork and performances on the field. Every penny we spend isn't a sign of us "buying a title" it's a sign of our success in the past.

I love the rivalry we have with Liverpool, I hate them, but I respect them. The same went with Leeds a few years back and Arsenal now.

I don't have a single ounce of respect for you, nor Chelsea, both your team's "success" have nothing to do with any sort of hard work that has been put in over the years, it has nothing to do with any talent your coaches have produced nor with talent born anywhere near your club.

So, if you go on and win the league this season or next season, I'll be smiling in the knowledge that deep down, you know you can't really be proud of your team. Not like a United, Liverpool or Arsenal can of their team. So it doesn't matter how successful you are from here on in, you'll never have any real respect from any neutrals and it'll never feel anything like how we feel when we win something. All you'll have is the same empty feeling like when you are struggling on Football Manager so you edit the game to give to a few hundred millions, any success after that just feels wrong.
A message to Manchester City fans

hahahahahahaha maybe he ought to look on other teams forums!!

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Firstly let's get it out the way, yes, I'm bitter.

Bitter, but I'm also proud. Proud to support a team that has worked it's way up to the top of the footballing world through years of success. We are a footballing force respected the world over for the hard work that has gone into our achievements. Yes, we've spent a few bob along the way but we've also earned every single penny of that through money that is directly related to our hardwork and performances on the field. Every penny we spend isn't a sign of us "buying a title" it's a sign of our success in the past.

I love the rivalry we have with Liverpool, I hate them, but I respect them. The same went with Leeds a few years back and Arsenal now.

I don't have a single ounce of respect for you, nor Chelsea, both your team's "success" have nothing to do with any sort of hard work that has been put in over the years, it has nothing to do with any talent your coaches have produced nor with talent born anywhere near your club.

So, if you go on and win the league this season or next season, I'll be smiling in the knowledge that deep down, you know you can't really be proud of your team. Not like a United, Liverpool or Arsenal can of their team. So it doesn't matter how successful you are from here on in, you'll never have any real respect from any neutrals and it'll never feel anything like how we feel when we win something. All you'll have is the same empty feeling like when you are struggling on Football Manager so you edit the game to give to a few hundred millions, any success after that just feels wrong.

Thanks Pexbo you complete numpty!!!

(courtesy of tear stained sadcafe)

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