Rags V Real...

paulchapo said:
Akira said:
They get a wind-up by the ref for once in a million years and now they are thinking of "destroying" Chelsea.

The whole world's laughing. Classless twats.

Let's hope Chelsea have one of those perfect days eh? Torres thinks he is in the red shirt of Liverpool leaving Vidic in his wake and scoring goals for fun,Ba turns into Drogba for a game and fat Frank smashes a couple in from 30 yards.....oh please,please,a perfect week,let's have it!!
Guess, imma go put on my Chelsea shirt for the day.
When we had that joke red card for Kompany in the cup game we went 3-0 down. But with 10 men we had them clinging on to a 3-2 win in the end.
3 down at spurs, down to 10 we won 4-3
Having a player sent off doesn't always mean you lose

I notice how most of the highlights also don't show the Madrid goal wrongly disallowed. Love the commentary which said " no one in the ground can believe that's a red". That's because European refs aren't scared to give the right decisions against them unlike Pl refs
Ungracious red bastards in defeat as ever.

The post mortem is quite nausiating this morning.

Now let me cast my mind back.They sang a song not so long ago this season.."That boy Ronaldo made City look shite"

Oh the irony........
Something i think nobody has mentioned is this.....what if a Madrid player had made that challenge on Van Persie and not walked?The uproar would have been just as loud.
I'm just waiting for the Sun to start a boycott Turkish holidays campaign and send one of those stupid delegations over there that they do.
yankblue said:
MSP said:


Classy operation they're running over there

Very very little was made by thier disgraceful behaviour after the final whistle in thier FA cup semi final loss to us. Nothing will be made of thier behaviour last night either by the utd loving media. But like the cup semi final, the world saw them for what they are
Err will uefa ban camel gob for his clapping in the refs face gesture.

I have never seen anything so ungracious in all my life. I would rather not win anything again than follow a team like that.
So glad I am city till I die.

Fuck off rag cunts.My hatred grows more and more for you
I woke up this morning wondering why it felt like I'd done a thousand sit-ups. The laughter has now been replaced with a warm sense of justice being served. I'll have to take a break from observing this national (and far east) day of mourning because some of that clear stuff is starting to leak out now.

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