Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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Sorry, just for Bob......let your imagination run wild..!

Carry on my wayward son
If the fee is correct, at £40 million plus £4 million in add-ons, I'm hugely pleased. It was psychologically important that we didn't bend entirely to Liverpool's will and pay the £50 million. This signing is hugely symbolic and it was essential that our financial power wasn't merely used as a blunt instrument, without us holding our nerve to some extent, which appears to have happened.

The £200k story in the Echo was clearly an LFC plant. One last twitch of a dying corpse of a transfer saga and very much in keeping with their conduct in this matter to date. How the fuck would some journalist at the Liverpool Echo know the details of Sterling's contract. Because of what someone at LFC told him? Seriously?

Sergio is, and will remain our best paid player.
They've edited the fat bearded Rag in the latest ssn report. He is clearly visible in a background in another interview.
After what happened with Delph we should wait until the contracts signed and he is on the OS .
Really hope he has his say on how he has been hung out to dry by everyone connected with Liverpool in the media.
Absolutely despicable the way they have carried on the last few weeks.
The player wanted to leave, no other club interested and we pay what liverpool were asking for.....glad we got the player but we haven't done anything to improve the negotiating position of the club in future deals....Hope we don't continue to sell cheap and spend big.
Yep, he's an excellent talent but I find the celebrating as if we've got one over on them comical. It's an obscene amount of money on potential, he hardly looks like Messi, Ronaldo or even Rooney, Owen type potential either. It's mad.

If he ends up like Rooney or Owen it'll be extremely disappointing for us Blues. It'll be a bit like when the Raggy boys signed Zaha.
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